Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Revolution - Episode 2.15 - Dreamcatcher - Promo

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Revolution - Episode 2.15 - Dreamcatcher - Promo

27 Feb 2014

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  1. Looking forward to this, although I hope it isn't the whole episode.

  2. I really hate this type of episode. They did the same thing on Falling Skies and a dozen other shows.

  3. That looks so good can't wait!!!

  4. Ugh. I loathe this kind of storyline...and then they woke up and realised it was all just a dream. F Y for making me waste an hour investing in an episode which won't matter...

  5. Great, Aaron whines when he's not right and living without electricity and whine when he is rich and living WITH electricity. And this is supposed to move the story forward over the last few remaining episodes this season HOW????

  6. Bad Robot is notorious for exploring/traveling to in various ways to multiple kinds of other alternate realities in their work. If you notice Aaron knows who he is there, thus he might of consciously time traveled to a reality were the nanites never came into existence.

    The point of The Christmas Carol scenario is to have the character understand whom they really are by seeing whom they are not, or what happens if something would of changed? It appears in a nanite free reality Aaron would be 'alone in the world' (<--fringe reference) and wouldn't be anything important or good at all. Another possibility is so he/the audience can gain "information" about what's going to happen through this other experience as these realities are somewhat juxtaposed may still have some parallels or some commonality.

    Additionally this ties into other things in this episode's narrative (which might continue to drive into the rest of the seasons narrative). Monroe wanted Conner to live on and not be like Monroe by having a family when he founds another republic. Monroe thus is showing remorse and regret for his past [again] after revealing the truth about Emma to Conner. Some of these characters are grappling with their identity and whom they are and IMO that's progressive. Aaron and Monroe really are two characters that constantly trying to deny certain truths to themselves. It's also possible thinking of Lost and something John Locke said to Jack, The nanites may just want Aaron to want to save himself...

  7. Love alternate reality comparative narratives! Looking forward to this one!

  8. Wednesday nights are complete again. Looking forward to the next episode

  9. I loved the Miles/Neville banter and wish there had been more of it. Love how Miles is so in the details of everything that nothing seems to escape him.

  10. Wow, I thought Felicity was just a college drama. I had no idea it had genre elements like JJ Abrams' other shows.

  11. It's very very light mythology -and really is a coming of age story, but the ending goes to that special place!

  12. ohhh and by the way felicity is not a bad robot production which was created just one year before the end of felicity's run

  13. Yes, this is like Nassicaa Vally of the Wind with Studio Ghibli....It's before Ghibli is "officially" established, but most fans consider it a kind of work zero, as you can see elements of Naussicaa in other works to come.

    Bad Robot is officially founded during Felicity's last season. However in season 2 there is a reoccurring character named Bryan "Burky" Burke, which Bryan Burke is the name of J.J. Abrams partner and co-founder (It was winking to the upcoming company). Many of the same writers, directer, and producers of Felicity continue on with him with one project or another. I would also argue that you can still see character arc types that later become common for the production company and as mentioned earlier in previous post, a lot of ideas that get fleshed out and re-explored in later works.

  14. Least Falling Skies had some flashes between reality who's too say they will flash between realities?


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