Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Pretty Little Liars - Episode 4.19 - Shadow Play - Clips and Interviews [VIDEO]

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Pretty Little Liars - Episode 4.19 - Shadow Play - Clips and Interviews [VIDEO]

2 Feb 2014

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Thanks to Samy for the heads up.


  1. This makes me so excited for the episode! I was originally skeptical about it being noir, but I'm definitely converted after this preview.

  2. Krista McInturff3 February 2014 at 15:10

    spencer and toby look like they were born for this genre. what beautiful photography

  3. Ashley Benson sounds so wasted at the end during the BTS bit...

    Also, I like that Keegan Allen was referncing classic cinema, and film noir. It shows he has a great understanding, and love, of film.

    Stoked for this!


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