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Poll: What Was Your Favorite Scene in The Walking Dead "After"?

10 Feb 2014

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  1. The knock at the door, Carl confesses he's scared, and Michonne takes out all the walkers.

  2. I really liked the scene where Carl thought Rick had become a walker and then confessed he was scared. That was a really powerful scene.

    But the entire episode was excellent so it is really hard to choose one scene.

  3. The chalk door was beautifully done.

  4. Michonne's dream was powerful. I really wanted to know more about her for a long time.

    The scene where Carl thought Rick was a zombie was really big. I would have thought the same thing.

  5. OMG!! Sooooo hard to only pick a few scenes - and as it is there are a ridiculous number in this poll!

  6. Loved the Michonne flashback! It explains so much....

  7. Carl loses his shoe could easily have been a scene... Totally agree about the door...

  8. When Carl confesses that he is scared. I loved the whole episode, but I think it would have been less impressive if Carl didn´t end up realizing that he needs his dad.

  9. Carl confesses to Rick that he's scared. Impressive acting by Chandler in that scene.

  10. Such a good episode, so hard to choose ....

  11. the Michonne part was really good and sad!

  12. This kid has impressed me from the get-go, and he really brought it home in this episode.

  13. Carl in his sheriff's hat sitting on the roof all alone, eating his pudding with the zombie arm behind him. It was framed like the Rick/Carl hayloft scene in Season 2, where Rick tells Carl "your mom and me, we might not be around someday." It felt like the series was saying, "here's what became of that little boy." Sweet in its way, yet very sad too.

  14. Zombie stealing Carl's shoe, I like the whole scene but that's just what I'm referring to it as


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