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POLL : What did you think of The Tomorrow People - Things Fall Apart?

6 Feb 2014

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  1. Good episode i don't know if im the only one but i didn't expect that ending at all stephen's mom a tomorrow woow and i didn't like what cara did too john

  2. Neither did I. Now that is how you should do a plot twist.

  3. Pretty good episode. I quite like Serinda Swan and I hope we get to see her pop up again later this season, considering Ultra has some kind of secret plan with her. And I knew Astrid was going to be targeted, but at least it got the obviousness of Stephen's mom's secret out in the open. Curious to see where it goes from here.

  4. really enjoyable ep that really moved things along..... ok, I half suspected that Stephen's mom could be a TP (well, it was either her or Luka...) and this was a great reveal, but the only kink in that (unless they explain it next episode) was that it sort of negates the set up of the pilot with Stephen breaking out and not knowing - his mother should've known exactly what was going on with him, especially if she knows all about Ultra and didn't want him on their radar and could've somehow protected him. I assume that she could've read his mind anytime.....I don't suppose they are going to play it that she doesn't know anything about Ultra, the TP etc, but that wouldn't make much sense..... It would seem that not only are the Finches in danger from Ultra now, but Stephen's family as well....I guess we'll have to wait and see, and I'm looking forward to it.

  5. I know many of us suspected Marla of being a TP, so I'm glad that cat is finally out of the bag. That said, I sure loved the way it came out. Also, not a a fan of Cara as the leader, I liked her more before, now it feels like she's trying too hard to prove herself and failing miserably every time. I wonder wether we'll see Cassie again...

  6. I think she knew exactly what was going on and everything she was doing to Stephen, taking him to the doctors an all, was to stop Ultra from considering himan outbreak. She defenitely doesn't get the mother of the year award if this is the case, I mean there had to be better ways of doing so that by making your son think his crazy, but she did say he had no idea everything she'd done to keep him and his brother safe so...

  7. The ending was great! John/Astrid were perfect. Stephen is much more interesting away from the love stuff. Cara bugged me by being weirdly jealous of John/Astrid near-death situation...and then she kicked John out when he did the right thing. UMMM NO. Hope John moves in with Stephen.

  8. Except... wasn't it the medical records that alerted Ultra to Stephen in the first place? I kind of have a few issues with this angle. Why would she have let Stephen take all those meds? Why suddenly with Peter was she sloppy in concealing her powers? Etc. etc. etc.

  9. They've really destroyed Cara's character for me. She's weirdly hypocritical. Possessive. Blaming. Reactionary. Doesn't really take responsibility for her own emotions and actions. Why do they write her this way?

  10. Hey, Shannon! I have a question. I recently dropped this show because of the sudden and awful love triangle between Stephen/Cara/John. Since the show has been back from the winter break and I want to give it another try and continue with it, is the love triangle still a main focus of the show and has the show overall gotten better? Thanks :)

  11. Love Stephen he was great in tonight's episode and I am very happy he stood up to his uncle. I am really getting tired of Cara and I do not think she needs to be in charge anymore I think its going to her head because her punishing John like that for him doing the right thing just isn't right!

  12. Noooo the love triangle has been put to the side. Like wayyyy to the side. They're concentrating more on EVERYTHING else. And TBH you really should give it another go. With the triangle aside every episode has been so amazing. The show has really upped its game. Seriously give it another shot, watch ep 9-13 or 10-13, where ever you left of at, and let me know what u think. : )

  13. Okay, awesome! I actually left off at episode 8 but I'll catch up by the time the next episode airs in 3 weeks. Thanks :)

  14. Sweet. Nice! No problem. : )

  15. Really liked the episodes. Loved Stephen going hardcore for Astrid. That's all he was thinking about the entire time. Loved the John/Astrid stuff. Everyone had called the mom being a TP, so I'm glad they didn't dwell on that and it was revealed tonight. Cara just gets worse and worse for me each week. She acts as though she did everything John told her to when he was leader or that she didn't do things that he didn't want her too. The episodes are really picking up, because some earlier eps were quite boring.

  16. I get the feeling that the writers are starting to give her the bad edit because the character isn't resonating with viewers. I don't remember her being this bad in the beginning. It's kind of sad. Practically everything she did in this episode made her less likeable.

  17. I agree. A lot of her actions haven't been consistent with someone with powers, even if she was trying to cover it up. The writers have been very inconsistent with regards to the plot and I just chaik this up to another example. I wouldn't be surprised if they decided to give his mom powers mid-way through writing the series.

  18. Another great episode. Stephen really shone, and I loved the way he stood up to Jedikiah. The conversation with Luca was also pretty funny....especially Stephen's reaction at finding out that Luca was talking about a bong the entire time.

    I loved the mom's reveal in the end. I'm one of the few who didn't see it coming, only because it just didn't seem consistent with so many things she had done in the past. So I guess that means that Stephen is also a "synergist" like Cassie? Also, given that Stephen's parents seemed to possess more powers than the typical TP, he must be even more special. Cassie is another character who I wouldn't mind seeing more of. The show really needs more bad-ass females on it. Steve's mom is a great start.

    I don't know what's going on with Cara, but her character gets more and more difficult to like with each episode. She was jealous of both Astrid and Cassie, which made no sense, given how much she has pushed away both Steve and John . Using Cassie as leverage at the expense of first Astrid and Stephen showed terrible leadership. She was willing to sacrifice their biggest asset (Stephen) in order to keep some leverage against the founder and had John not intervened, Stephen would have ended up as an experimental subject without powers. Did Cara forget the time that Stephen took a big risk when he stopped Ultra from taking her powers? Her unwillingness to be challenged is just another reason why she shouldn't be a leader, and John's point about her wanting everyone to obey her was spot-on. I wonder where John will hide out now that he's been kicked out. I can't believe we have to wait for 3 weeks!

  19. Awesome episode, and by the way the ending changes everything. Does anyone remember the part where they said that there are special ones from their kind that are born to both powered parents and they are more powerful than everybody now we know how Stephen is the chosen one.

  20. Starting to get interesting...

  21. Plotholes are nothing new. Maybe they'll give us an explanation, but most likely they won't.

  22. So now I wonder if Luca is going to break out now, or if he is even a TP at all... do all children of TP'ers automatically have powers or do some and others don't?

  23. But I don't think Roger and Jedikiah's parents were TP, they would have mentioned that.

  24. You should definitely catch up with the show, things are starting to get interesting.

  25. I suspected Marla was a TP, but when John said Cassie has to be a synergist because she is so powerful, I was sure that Stephen is one too.

    I don't remember Cara and John breaking up, did I miss that in earlier episodes?

  26. When John mentioned that Cassandra is a synergist and Stephen was able to read her, it was pretty clear that Marla isn't human. I was more surprised about her ability to stop time than her being a Tomorrow Person.

  27. I did. It was obviously not luka who pushed stephen out of stephen's boyfriend's mind in previous episode, Luka was not in the room, just his mom and the guy, since we already knew the guy was normal human the answer was quite obvious. I dont think the writers planned it all from the very first episode, the way she behaved about her husband and his brother and stephen working for Ultra just does not fit. And shouldnt stephen be more powerful because both his parents are TPeople? And Shouldnt Luka be one of them?

  28. Have you also noticed that Robbie is starting to pick up some of his cousin's (Stephen Amell's) mannerisms? I mean this in a good way.

  29. Great, that ending literally had my mouth agape and I absolutely loved every scene with John, Stephen is still my favorite character but I definitely like that John is becoming more than a pretty bad boy

  30. Stephen *is* more powerful than your garden variety TP, though. He can stop time, and in the pilot episode he teleported out of an Ultra holding cell, in an area where the other TP's powers didn't work. So his being a "synergist" like Cassie (someone unusually powerful because both of his parents are TP) kinda makes sense. I have no idea about Luca, but they didn't state definitively that if both the parents are TP's, the child has to be a TP; only that if he or she is, they'll be extra powerful.

  31. I also get more and more annoyed by Cara as the show progresses, but if I'm being honest, John wasn't in the right in this particular case. He knows that they have to work together and he can't just go off on his own if Cara, the person who was voted in as leader, doesn't agree with that course of action. He certainly wasn't any more okay with people disregarding his orders when he was leader - for example, Stephen taking Irene to the ER after she was shot, even though John insisted that they can't go out there again and risk exposure. (Granted, he didn't kick Stephen out for that.) I know John succeeded in saving Stephen, but hindsight is 20/20 and all. And Cara's instincts had proven to be on point before, when she suspected that there was more to Cassie than meets the eye.
    Anyway, this subplot was really annoying. Last week's episode was actually the first time I had liked Cara in a while, and additionally I felt she and John were getting close again (her determination to save him no matter what). But apparently it's a one step forward, two steps back kind of deal. Sigh. I just wish they would have Cara be nicer to everyone around her. Stop with the permanently "tough", sullen, distant demeanor - it doesn't make her more authoritative as leader, it just makes her harder to warm to as a character. She's starting to remind me of Laurel from Arrow (although not to that degree, thank god).

  32. Yeah they did break up. Or took a break w/e u want to call it. She asked John what now? And John said that's up to you to decide. Idr which episode it was, and idr how the whole conversation started.But i remember that dialog specifically. I'll go back and check for you.

  33. I don't think she stopped time, it seemed she just TKed the bullets

  34. Whoops, my bad, seems like I wasn't paying enough attention. I just rewatched the scene and it does look like TK indeed.

  35. No worries, seems a lot of people think the same, and I can be wrong (though it sucks to have to wait 3 weeks to find out)

  36. I agree with much of what you said. However, I don't think John was (completely) in the wrong. First, Cara challenged him plenty when he was leader (and she did so in front of the other "kids"), and though he didn't like it, he allowed it even when he felt it was a bad idea (like letting TTP go to that party he didn't want them to go to). He didn't kick anyone out for dissenting opinions unless, like the one Tomorrow Person kid, they broke rules that affected the safety of everyone - and Cara was more the person who kicked that kid out than John. John wasn't always right as a leader, true. And yet Cara took divergent actions on more than one occasion when he was, without reactive consequences. He wasn't an absolute dictator, and she seems determined to be.

    Second, I don't think the decision John took in this episode was hindsight for him (though I agree it was hindsight for Cara). He basically said, if they didn't rescue Stephen, Stephen would be tortured, and interrogated and would give up the location of their lair. Understanding more of what Ultra is capable of, due to his experience there, I don't think there was any doubt this was how it was about to go down. I don't think he dismissed Cara's instincts about Cassie. I think he believed her, but felt he had to respond to the more imminent threat to all of them.

    In previous episodes he's backed her leadership, even when Stephen would turn to him and say, "What do you think, John?" His response has always pretty much been, "It's Cara's call." This was a the first episode he hadn't backed her play once she made the decision, and again, I think for him the imminent threat to their entire lair was more important.


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