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POLL : What did you think of Revolution - Fear and Loathing?

27 Feb 2014

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  1. So glad the show's back and that was a great episode! Loved that Charlie is now in charge. That's awesome.

    Glad Miles and Rachel know the truth now - thrilled it wasn't dragged out.

    And A+ for the Styx at the end. Guessing the nanos are screwing with Aaron.

  2. I loved that Duncan decided that Charlie would be in charge.

    Not sure what's going to happen with Neville now though.

  3. Aaron's plotline is the only one that I am finding boring this season.

  4. Enjoyed the last night episode . Fascinated by the strong female characters, make me happy every episode and glad Duncan is with us... now. Missing Nora.

    Very happy for revealing the Neville's family truth. Tom is smart but you cannot outsmart Miles and Rachel. Love them all so much. Interesting to see what happens next.

    Charlie is amazing, Mini-Miles- awesome. Thank you, Monroe. Why not Charlie,ah?

    Nanos are too complicated, I think Aaron is going crazy ... Cannot wait next episode...

  5. Went form great to Awesome with that final scene.

    Whether the nanites are giving him a 'Christmas Carol' scenario or he actually consciously time traveled to an existing alternate reality (Desmond - LOST "The Constant", Peter - FRINGE "The Day We Died"/"Peter and the Machine"), I'm super excited to see how the "nanite-free" reality would take away whom he now is!

    Another shout out to Fringe might be Aaron's now Pink Floyd 'Dark Side of the Moon' t-shirt. Fringe was originally hoping to be 7 seasons and I think meant to explore 7 kinds of alternate realities as the rainbow motif and Violet Sedan Chair's "Seven Suns" seems to point in that direction!

    Liked how Monroe was willing to die and that he wanted Conner to survive so that a new Republic might actually mean something (plays into what's going on with Aaron) and I thought his comments about wanting Conner to not be alone and have family were really touching things for him to say and hope for his son.

    Nice to see Duncan and Charlie make a connection. I would like to see more of her.

    I'm glad Tom didn't get to far with his plan and that Miles figured it pretty quickly. The scene were Rachel comes out of the woods reminds me of a similar scene in Lost where Miles and Jack are having a bit of a stand off and Juliet and Sayid come out of the woods.

  6. They might be screwing with them on some level, but there's also the chance that he just consciously time traveled to another existing reality where the nanites never came into existence. (Desmond Lost, Fringe Peter,) In any case it seems to be very Christmas Carol in nature. I'm kind of curious that if he does save the nanites (and if they really need saved) that we could get more alternate reality experiences down the line?

  7. Episode was only ok for me...was disappointed how little screen time Miles got (Rachel got even less). Would have loved to see of the Neville/ Miles banter. His bit about Miles being with his sister in law now and how it affects Thanksgiving was awesome. I love it when the writers make fun of some of the more ridiculous things in the show.

  8. No seriously? Now it's gotten even MORE complicated.....
    I liked the episode though.

  9. "Now this is getting silly" and Charlie in charge were my highlights.

  10. The last 5 minutes blew my mind! It was a good episode,but i was starting to get antsy. The fight scene between Monroe and Conner was good,but knowing nothing serious would happen to either one of them made the scene drag out

    And Charlie saved the day! Why of course she did,and she got a perk too,she was now in charge! I cracked up seeing that s**t eating grin on her face. I have come to enjoy her so much this season,she came into her own,yet continues to grow.I hope we get to see more her next season.Fingers crossed....

    I missed seeing more of Miles and Rachel tho Tom had a few good lines.But all i can think about are those last 5 minutes and next weeks promo!!! Alternate reality and Flashforwards here we come!

  11. i would love it if it would last a bit longer than an episode, but whatever is going there def seems weird, considering the other timelines date is 2014, but yet charlie is there, and then theres arrons whole jumping off the biulding thing that so reminds me of "dave" trying to get hugo to jump off the cliff! i agree the fight scene was a bit dragged out, but i did like what emotionally came out of it! is it next wed yet?

  12. Agreed, emotionally a lot was accomplished between Bass and Conner during that episode.It'll be nice seeing their relationship grow.

  13. Best episode in ages, excellent from start to finish, except for the Aaron part which is still dragging a lot for me. Great stuff with all the other characters, especially Monroe, Charlie, Miles, and Tom. Loved Miles saying "in Mexico, they'd just call this a standoff." LOL

  14. What's more freaky is the date is 3/5/14 the next air date of the new episode lol

  15. Ya! A nice wink to "our" timeline :D

  16. Glad to see another fringe moment this wednesday lol

  17. Patrick Maloney2 March 2014 at 18:05

    Poor, I thought the tension about Monroe and Connor was poorly handled, and on a smaller note am I the only one who doesn't find the references to the celebrities in the past funny?

  18. "Which one of these doesn't belong?" ;)

  19. Samantha Petrelli3 March 2014 at 17:25

    Charlie went from a character that I could not care less on season 1 to one of my favorites on season 2.
    And btw, Charlie and Monroe are pure gold!!!


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