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POLL : What did you think of Chicago PD - Conventions?

27 Feb 2014

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  1. Really good episode and liked the crossover

  2. I don't watch SVU, but was curious, was the crossover between the shows just to have a crossover, or was there a storyline linking them together?

  3. There was a story linking them. Both episodes were good.

  4. This was the first episode of the show I have seen. I actually thought it was going to be a case that started in NYC on SVU and went to Chicago but that wasn't the case at all. I didn't really like the show and I don't plan to watch it again.

  5. disqus_BLvd5NQY3F27 February 2014 at 06:51

    the ending set up for the next episode.......jason in trouble again

  6. I really loved this episode, and we got some good backstory on Lindsay, #Linstead feels - at least they both know they want each other, and the smile on Erin's face at the very end when she thought it was Jay at the door.

    Uh-oh Justin. Can't wait for next week.

  7. it was good but i could have done without the crossover, just looking at anyone from svu gets me down which is something chicago pd has managed to avoid its hard hitting drama but it doesn't make you want to slit your wrists or take a 5 hour shower afterwards, its a more fun show then svu.

  8. It was the case that started on SUV then continued on Chicago PD. And as far as a police procedural go,this is pretty bad.

  9. No - the case they were working on in SVU was totally different. We never saw them investigating any rape-murders where an ear had been cut off - that came out of nowhere at the very end.


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