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POLL : What did you think of Beauty and the Beast - Till Death?

11 Feb 2014

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  2. Jealous Vincent emerges :) Have faith, beasties, VinCat will be back together again!

  3. great Episode!!! #BATB

  4. #BATB #TillDeath was the beginning of the beginning! AWESOME!

  5. That, was tuff, to watch I love V so much and just watching him being V 1.0 again and in so much pain, I still loved the episode overall but, anyone can see that Catherine is still very much in love with V she just think he's still into her, but the truth will be revealed soon, I know but, for the folks that think Gabe is the man build a bridge and get over it, cause my Vincat will be back!!!

  6. I was so happy to have Catherine finally address that maybe she shouldn't be trusting Gabe. Just because he turned out not to be the bad guy this time, doesn't mean he's still worth her time, and it sucks she still hasn't figured that out. At least JT and Tess had a happy ending(and she looked fantastic at the end of the episode).

  7. Beautiful episode, all about true love and redeeming oneself. Reminded me old the saying, if you love something let it go. The interactions between the actors were awesome, the dialogue, the looks, the heartache very real. Now Cat needs to see the truth, Vincent is already there, Cat just has to heal a little before she finds the way. I love this show

  8. oh my gosh - so many things going on V&JT, JT&T, VinCat, SAM - HOLY hit me blindside - next week looks INTENSE. Can't wait. I've already watched Till Death 8x and it's only MONDAY :D

  9. Good episode, but very sad. I did not expect Valentine's Day to Cat with Gabe. The article published by the writers "Kern", Vincent would the first step towards reconciliation with Cat - I did not feel it.

  10. OH THE FEELS!!!!! LOVED the episode!!! :)

  11. No doubt, he is!!, and if the show doesn't get another season, I also hope he can find another good job!!, and well, about the episode, I think that article you mention is right, I mean, Vincent did take a huge step to reconcile to Cat, he admitted his mistakes and he's doing what he thinks is the best for her even when this decision is very painful for him, and Cat is witnessing all that, so of course she would notice soon that, her beloved Vince is back and that she has to get him back into her life.

  12. Great episode!

  13. Its nice to see Vincent gettin jealous. I think they should show more of Cat and Gabe so Vincent can get a taste of his own medicine.
    Why does he only choose Cat after his girl rejects him/dies ? Cat should confront him about it after she finds out. She cant always be his second choice. She should stick with Gabe for a while and then she can get back with Vincet ;)

  14. Jay Ryan's performance was outstanding. Watching him in this episode had me in tears and still can't shift the heaviness. When fictional characters emotionally affect like this, you know they're doing a damn good job. Bravo Jay Ryan simply superb! !!!!
    Loved JT & Tess sweet moments too. More of scenes with these two please!
    Miss VinCat so much!!!

  15. Angela Paraboschi11 February 2014 at 09:26

    I loved thie episode #BATB

  16. Mixed feelings..aching for V :-( ..and Cat needs to realise that G is NOT the one

  17. Ditto! Couldn't agree more. Now Tori isn't helping to confuse Vincent he seems more his old self; the kind compassionate Dr, the good friend, not the brain washed killing machine! So good to see! Really looking forward to the gradual realisation of a new VinCat!

  18. I almost went with a mediocre good this week because the ending is such a downer for a Valentine's Day episode which sucked out all the joy for me from this otherwise brilliant funny exhilarating episode and just leaves me almost as sad as my man walking away alone from the woman he loves. But I'm going with Awesome because Jay Ryan ~ again outstanding as Vincent. Standing O for my Sexy Beast. Well played.Now go WOO your woman back boy!!!

  19. Great show up to the ending with Cat & Gabe; it was heart breaking to see Vincent put Cat's happiness before his feelings for her; that's the Vincent from last year. Loved Cat finally doubted Gabe - too bad it only last 5 minutes. Loved the ending for JT & Tess (finally)

  20. Great episode, loved it! #BatB

  21. He never really was with tori what was pretty clear the episode before. Maybe rewatch because tori was never his girlfriend. Everybody just thought it.

  22. A huge improvement once again! I loved the little moments eg: JT&V talking about Valentine’s, Tess’ reaction to the flowers, V&C at the precinct, V noticing the flowers JT sent Tess and the expression on his face (the eyebrow killed me!!! lol) the look on V’s face when everyone looked to him to be Cat’s date, JT’s Brangelina comment, OMG! where do I stop?! lol So many good moments!! My only beef with the ep was the C&G stuff. Really Cat you can forgive G all that awful stuff in like 5 mins (who did all those things of his free will) yet you can’t forgive V the things he’s done while being controlled? The first kiss was barable, but ending the ep watching C&G kiss left a bad lingering taste in my mouth. Sadly it tainted the whole ep for me. :( Any rewatching on my part will have to end at JT&T. ;)

  23. Tori asked him why he keeps sneakin out to call Cat . As if he was anwerable to her. Then before she died they broke up

  24. Love the JT&T, JT&Vin, Cat&Vin, JT&T&V&C scenes. Seems like all the main characters have almost equal part in this episode. Sad that Vin now has to let go Cat and wait for destiny to bring them back together. I believe that Gabe has done the same thing...let the woman you love go free, true love will find its way back to you. In comparison, Jay Ryan's performance was superb and over-shadowed Sendhll Ramamurthy's. JR has that extra touch that just stir up the emotions of the viewers. Overall great episode! Love it!

  25. "Till Death" demonstrated great writing and storytelling experience. Truly it was not the typical everyday story. This was showing What Love Is. Like Bob Reynolds said "Love is sacrificing your own needs for the person you love". This was deep. Vincent was pining in deep sorry, he felt Catherine deserve way better than what he'd put her through. Might I remind you, he himself had gone through unspeakable things at the hands of Reynolds & Muirfield. That's neither here nor there. Vincent is now all about not hurting Catherine anymore. Catherine in the meanwhile going through this exploring stage with Gabe. She thinks Vincent is over her & their relationship. Well, she will be thoroughly shocked next week on "Redemption" When JT tells her that Vincent still loves her & he thinks he doesn't deserve another chance........... I want front seats. Because we know Catherine Chandler, she is the aggressive type & she will get Vincent to see "Who you are,.. it makes everything worth It". Way To Go BATB I want more.

  26. Great episode! The ending with Cat and Gabe was kind of a downer but I know it's just temporary. It is nice to see season 1 Vincent again. I still think Gabe is shady.....

  27. Too much talk and very little emotion. The episode came out cold and flat. If this is the best Jennifer and Sherri can do for Batb and VinCat , there's nothing we can do to save this show.

  28. I agree. The scenes from Cat with Gabe, specifically "the kiss" annulled the good part from the episode.

  29. Great episode! lav it! Hoping to see VinCat back together again! can't wait to see their sweet n romantic moments! :)

  30. I loved Vincent jealous! #BATB

  31. Funny and touching at the same time! Love so much! great Jay Ryan!

  32. If they had placed it earlier in the ep, I probably would have been able to erase it from my mind but with it being at the end, it sticks in the memory bank! lol Not a smart move on the writers/show runners end IMO. Aside from that, I liked the ep.

  33. Yolanda van den Broek11 February 2014 at 19:44

    Yes, i agree with you on that

  34. Yolanda van den Broek11 February 2014 at 19:47

    Totally right, but Vincent walking away, alone that was heartbreaking!!

  35. You sure about that? because i think V did it because her dad asked him to get away from her(blackmail actually) and later with all the beastly senses it became something else which vincent realized after coming into contact with the jewel and slowly distancing himself from tori and I am shocked that writers and everyone ignored this fact.Now what? they want Cat to try out new relationship with G forgetting all the things he had done just because he had been good these few months.. i don't buy it because he was the responsible for all the mess and Cat... I thought she understood how V felt betrayed by everyone (she knew about JT too) and doesn't want to forgive him which she is willing to do with Gabe ... this was totally beyond me.Sloppy piece of writing there! except for the end I agree that the episode was quite brilliant!!

  36. True, i do see your point. I think she forgave him but they didn't have that conversation yet. The one thing I do agree with is Cat and Gabe. I am not sure why he was cast as her new love interest because it really makes no sense and they together is very forced. I am overlooking that part as I am very protective of the show and the negative but I do have to agree that Gabe was not a good choice. Both JR and KK are really amazing with their acting skills during all of their love scenes have had amazing chemistry. I saw one of JR interview and when asked about the love scenes he said something like you need to be present in the scene and trust the person you do the scene with. So for me anyway, both of them do an amazing job together:-) especially since both of them are acting because it looks intensely real. When Cat kisses Gabe she really do seem completely into him but he looks awkward.

  37. Finally an episode really lots of fun & interaction that we were so blessed with in S1! JT & V back together, V obviously has memories of them and recognizes what an amazing friend JT has been. Love them hanging out again! And Tess & JT oh the fun!

  38. Ludmila Junqueira12 February 2014 at 16:16

    Without no doubt one of the best episodes of the second season

  39. Great episode!!! Jay Ryan and Austin Basis knocked their scenes right out of the park!!! Vincent broke my heart and brought me to tears at the end!!

  40. Wonderful episode, my men (:) were fantamagnific, best episode yet! #BATB 4 EVER!


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