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POLL : What did you think of Banshee - Bloodlines?

1 Feb 2014

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  1. Awful, I'm not the type of person to complain about a show being too ... Anything really, but this episode really pressed on my torture threshold

  2. It was pretty harsh in places wasn't it. I actually found the murder/kidnap flashback and finding of the traumatised Solomon harder to stomach than the actual torture scene though in many ways, those kids were so young, Gunnar Carrigan in particlar sold that whole scene so well for someone so young imo.

  3. I am glad that the murder story line got rapped up in this episode. I was surpriced that Solomon was still alive and I loved the scene where they found him and Rebecca (once again) felt like the outsider. I also really enjoyed when Proctor was giving Alex advice in the cafe.
    Rough episode, with a lot of violence, but I also got what I have been waiting for - a scene with Dava and Hood. I love that storyline, but I am also happy that it is being kept in the background.

  4. Bless her, Rebecca's been through a lot hasn't she, at least Solomon went back and gave her a hug and recognised her part in his rescue. I wonder what will be in store for him in the aftermath of this ordeal?

  5. Yes, I hope we will see a bit more of Solomon. I find Rebecca´s dilemma very interesting. She really has a difficult choice with her family on the one side and Kai on the other. She is drawn to Hood, who is also not the best influence.
    I also hope we will find out more about where Nola´s hate comes from. That girl has some issues.

  6. I've wondered if some of Nola's issues come from the fact that she's far more qualified for Alex's role but has been passed over ever since a child just because she's female?


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