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Once Upon A Time - Season 3 - Latest from TVLine - February 18, 2014

18 Feb 2014

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In her Storybrooke form, the witch “is seemingly a kindred spirit to Snow White, which is part of what makes her so evil,” Ginnifer Goodwin explained during TVLine’s visit to the show’s Vancouver set last week. “She seems so genuinely kind and has a way of becoming intimate with others and making them trust her…. Rebecca Mader called her ‘Mary Poppins,’ because she was just so damn likeable!”



  1. Come back, show!

    I never once thought about the Wicked Witch having a Storybrooke persona. Interesting.

  2. I excited for this to come back, its been too long!

  3. Must be part of her plot, though her goals remain a mystery. I'm guessing that since the Storybrookers don't remember their year back in FTL, they might not recognize this different form of the witch as an enemy. On the other hand, there are apparently people who knew her a long time ago, so you'd think they'd notice. Unless she just manages to avoid meeting them.

  4. I still wonder witch way is it going to go, are we going to get the misunderstood cool Charlotte Staples Lewis who turns out to be a pretty decant person, or are we getting the really nice at first, but I'm going to to feed you nanites so William Bell can end and restart the world (and you can see me post death with crazy eyes) Jessica Holt?

  5. What;s kind of curious about the "plot details" article I copied yesterday, is that is says something like that new curse "points to The Wicked Witch", but it doesn't actually say that SHE DID make/steal/use the curse....I'm still wondering if we're really done with Pumple's dad or if he configures in somehow since he too was going to make another curse, before they stopped it????

  6. come on be march already!


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