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Looking - Episode 1.03 - Looking at Your Browser History - Preview

1 Feb 2014

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   In the all new Looking, airing tomorrow on HBO, we will find out more about our guys’s work. Because yeah, work is an important part of everyone’s life. It’s where we spent most of our time, we meet people who can become friends and even more.
   It was time for Looking to dig a bit more into its characters lives, dreams and hopes, because it’s also what work can symbolize. You can use it to fulfill your dreams.

   We kinda already knew about Patrick job, he is a “level designer” for a video game company, and he has a friendly Asian co worker. Tomorrow, we will find more about his work when a party is launched for a new game and Patrick tries to make out with one of his colleagues... So he thinks.
  Patrick is the same awkward guy, especially when he is drunk. He always put himself in uncomfortable situations, but it’s funny and actually it’s quite charming too. He is awkward, but he’s a nice guy. Before, Patrick acted weird on dates, tomorrow we will find out he also does it in his work.

   Last week, it was revealed Dominic’s dream was opening his own restaurant. This week, he will seriously discuss the idea again, talking about it to many people. But it's never easy to open a restaurant, so will he succeed or not ? I rellay hope he does !
   Dom will also share a great scene with Doris. I love that girl so much, she makes me laugh out loud all every time she appears.

    Agustin has been facing troubles concerning his art work since the pilot. He works as an assistant for another artist, he just moved in Oakland with his boyfriend and clearly there is something bugging him.
   In “Looking at Your Browser History”, Agustin will make a drastic decision about his job and will meet someone very important for his future… And that hot someone will probably cause troubles between Agustin and Franklin. There’s a great storyline beginning here and I can’t wait for it to be developed.

   What we can expect from tomorrow’s episode :

- Sexy British accent ! I’ve always found British accent really hot… But apparently I'm the only one.
- Perky Dom ! It’s a nice change for him, the guy can smile.
- Beard is the thing, icing is not.
- Cold yet comfy torpedoes.... I'm not saying more
- “You’re fired” ! One of the guys is getting fired from his work.
- There is a very beautiful scene taking place in a sauna. I didn’t expect it but it could lead to something really great.

   Turn in this Sunday on HBO for all new Looking ! Are you excited about this episode ? Hit the comments !

About the Author - Romain Ossust
I'm 27 from France, living near Paris. I love a lot of TV shows, I can not name them all but here the ones that came to my mind : Orphan Black, True Blood, Dexter, Weeds, Person of Interest, Criminal Minds, 24, Ab Fab, Carnivale, Lost, The Americans, American Horror Story, Once Upon A Time, Desperate Housewives, Glee, Ugly Betty, Scandal, The Walking Dead, Raising Hope, Orange is the New Black, Grey’s Anatomy .... Otherwise, I’m also very fond of cats, I own 5 of them. I work as an administrative assistant, in one of the greatest place to work in France. I also enjoy sunbathing, reading and having fun ! I hate doing sports !