Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Castle - Episode 6.17 - In the Belly of the Beast - Sneak Peek

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Castle - Episode 6.17 - In the Belly of the Beast - Sneak Peek

28 Feb 2014

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  1. Wow!! Yay first sneak peek!! This episode will be awesome.

  2. Interesting contact in an elevator? Too Cool!

  3. Teresita Geraldizo28 February 2014 at 05:35

    They better not hurt her or else, they have to answer to the entire Castle fandom......

  4. Oh please. I don't get this fandom sometimes.

  5. So I'm assuming Castle doesn't know about the undercover op after the briefing with Gates. Interesting! I want to see him lose his cool when he finds out.

    And I want to know what Caskett were talking about when Gates called. Haha.

  6. You gonna hunt the director, writer and camera man down?

  7. Prepare your heart ....

  8. I want to know how Beckett made it out of the loft without him especially the way she acted like it was very serious. We all know he's not good at staying put when she tells him to.

  9. We already got our two-parter for the season in episodes 1 & 2.

  10. She's gorgeous and an amazing actress. Love this show and I can't wait for this episode!

  11. I don't think it would be a problem. Castle isn't the type that has to make sure he is by Beckett's side every minute.

  12. He doesn't necessarily have to be by her side every minute but he doesn't like to miss the action...and I doubt that he missed the tone of her voice which clearly indicated that there would be action of some sort.

  13. She could just tell him she needed to finish up some paperwork and he'll run in the other direction. Lol.


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