Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Bitten - Episode 1.06 - Committed - Sneak Peek

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Bitten - Episode 1.06 - Committed - Sneak Peek

11 Feb 2014

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  1. Interesting development. I thought mutts were only not allowed to live in one place if they killed people.
    A bit unfair to drive someone away if they are not causing any problem isn't it?

  2. I don't like the sound of this storyline. It makes Jeremy's pack sound like thugs. And it gives justification for why the mutts are attacking now.

  3. Yes, it makes everything a little more realistic and true to wolves' way of life. I don't think in real life wolves allow lone wolves prey on their territory or even pass through it without chasing them off.
    Jeremy's pack is so noble and perfect it's about time someone called them out on some BS))

  4. Its not that simple...
    The pack kill mutts to keep the existence of werewolves a secret, and as most mutts tend to kill humans (thus drawing attention) the pack will hunt them down and kill them. They certainly don't go out and just kill every wolf that's not in the pack - Daniel Santos (former pack) and Karl Marsten are just two examples of wolves that are non-pack and clearly not in danger of being killed off by the pack (yet). The pack actually reached out to Karl for information!


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