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Timothy Omundson talks tonight's Supernatural and Psych

21 Jan 2014

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Thanks to Nicole for the heads up.

1. "Good things come to those who wait" you tweeted on being cast on "Supernatural". Misha Collins once tweeted "Supernatural has third grader interests: magical guns, cool cars, monsters with superpowers" - Was working on the show everything you expected?

I have been connected to SUPERNATURAL in one way or another for a long time. At the request of Richard Speight, Jr., who I've known since college, I've crashed several of their conventions over the years. And some of my very good friends are Fan Favorites (
Jim Beaver, Richard Speight Jr. & Kurt Fuller) so they filled me in on what to expect. Both SPN and PSYCH shoot in Vancouver and we share some of the same crew...Teamsters will always tell you if someone is a dick (Be Nice To Teamsters). I worked with the director, John Badham on several episodes of PSYCH and I couldn't wait to work with him again.

What I didn't expect was how great Jensen (Ackles) would be to work with. I had heard that he and Jared (Padalecki) were great people, but it goes beyond that. I was so impressed with this guy and the way he works. I have spent the last 8 years on a show and I know what a grind a TV schedule can be on it's leads. But he was just great! Welcoming, generious, funny, energetic. I would jump at the chance to work with him again.

2. Rumor has it you play Cain, of Cain and Abel. Was the role especially written for you and can you tease just the vaguest hints in what kind of situations we're gonna see you in?

Let me first say that Robbie Thompson wrote me a hell of a role. We had worked together on JERICHO & HUMAN TARGET" and had been talking for years about getting me on SPN if the right part came up. Finally, the timing was right and he wrote this epic role of Cain. Robbie and I have a very similar taste in movies and pop culture, we speak the same language in many ways. Cain is a Badass, pure and simple. The Original Badass. He has a deep, internal strength that I loved playing. Plus, he kicks some demon ass in a pretty wicked way.

3. You've been playing Carlton Lassiter on "Psych" for more than six years in tons of quirky, fun and compelling episodes. What is your favorite episode and why?

I can't possibly try to name my favorite episode. It's impossible. I have a top 20, maybe, but even those shift. We are a tight group of actors and writers. We've spent the last 8 years working and laughing together. We grew up together, creatively. We know each other's strengths and weaknesses. I think the later episodes tend to be my favorite episodes. The ones that reflect that intimate knowledge of what makes each of us tick. It has been the most amazing ride that will always be with me.

4. How much are Carlton Lassiter and you alike? How much of him is in you and of you in him?

I always need to start a character from what about him is in me. In terms of Lassiter, I think it started with his/my ego, strong sense of right and wrong and what is just vs unjust. I LOVE where we have gotten to take him over the years. I can't believe the journey he has had. In many ways, he is unrecognizable from that cop who first arrested Sean Spencer, yet, at his core, he is the same guy. He has been a gift to play.


  1. Another secondary character to take up space and push the brothers to the side!
    Keep them coming Carver until Sama nd Dean no longer appear except in the teasers and trailers.

  2. So I take Sam and Cas are SERIOUSLY going to stick to the bunker and not get involved in the Cain storyline ? meh :(

  3. I know what you mean, last year a few characters (Charlie, Garth, the male witch and his dog, this greek god guy) took up ALL the time and demoted Sam and Dean to side characters.

    Let's wait and see tough

  4. i really am looking forward to seeing how Tim does on Supernatural

  5. No no Dean gets to be part of that storyline

  6. Just Sam, there is plenty of Dean in the episode and he's part of the action. Sam on the other hand gets to be a plot device again.

  7. For some reason it sounds to me like he'll be a bit like Alastair. Christopher was brilliant so if he's anything like that then he'll wipe the floor with Ackles/Dean and we'll perhaps get to see my prefered ending to the episode-the something big to reunite Sam and Dean Jared mentioned as Sam and Cas having to barge ther way in and save the day. Unlikely since aparently Jared isnt deemed worthy enough to work with guest stars but one can dream.

  8. Why didn't i know Tim was going to be on SPN????? now i have to catch up!!!

  9. I keep saying the same thing because the writers keep serving up the same old re-hashed plots. Sam and Dean apart again. Wow, that's never happened before!

    What a brilliant idea, let's have the brothers argue and angst with one another. That's never been done before either!

    I respect your opinion and I don't mind at all if you disagree with me. :)

  10. It's a trend now.
    Carver's vision is to keep the brothers at arm's length and pair them off with guest star.; (mostly Dean, while Sam remains in the background).
    He can't blatently come out and ignore the brothers and their bond, so he falls back on this method.
    It just annoys me,for the show should be about the brothers fighting evil together, bouncing ideas off one another on how to defeat the next enemy, but Carver has turned the show into a sit-com with an ever growing myriad of characters who hog the limelight and push the Winchesters into the background.
    Carver has a spin-off coming up. He can go wild with as many characters as he wants in that, but here at least he should honor the Winchesters for the limited time the show is still going to be on the air.

  11. I don't mind secondary characters unless they are unnecessary and boring like Garth.

  12. This might sound dumb but who is Timothy Omundson? Never seen Psych.

  13. And yet another comment from you saying the same thing over and over again.


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