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The Originals - New Cast Photo of Marcel

13 Jan 2014

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  1. sigh...I wanted to love the character so bad. But the constant pushing in the promos and the fact that he got WAY more screentime than Elijah and Rebekah alone makes me dislike him.
    Let alone that the character is inconsistent (hell let's call him Gollum already "Us lovezz the precious uz lovez the maker", he's a different character each episode with a differen motivation) and that Charles lacks the talent to hold his own agains Joseph, Daniel and Claire.

    With some characters less is more, we probably could have warmed up to him in smaller doses a lot easier as character and writing flaws would've been less apparent and he could have built a better fanbase.

    I feel horrible to admit that I'm actually rooting for him to bite the dust

    I usually like almost every character...hell I'm probably the only one that likes Tyler but Marcel just lost me

  2. One of my problems is that I can't figure out where he stands. I agree he seems different in every episode. First he was raised by Klaus and they were BFFs for about 100 years (1820 to 1919), then he decided to turn against him and bury him alive, but then he's back to being friends with him? He's all over the map with Klaus.

    With Rebekah I always assumed he had a bit of a crush on her as a child and he was just using her and has never been in love with her and for whatever reason Rebekah just doesn't realize this (although I think that's consistent with Rebekah - she's always falling head over heels in love with a guy after 5 minutes and I recall both Klaus & Kol calling her out about it numerous times on TVD).

    I wish we had more info about Marcel's past with the Originals. So far we've seen a bit of Klaus & Rebekah but what about Elijah & Kol? They were around as well - surely Marcel had a history with them as well.

  3. Damn. They're really sticking to this one photo at a time thing. Weird.

  4. Damn it Marcel, you sexy bastard! ;)

  5. I haven't caught up to this seasons' Vampire Diaries yet. Do I have to watch The Originals alongside TVD to understand the plot, or are they separate?

  6. Completely separate stories and both shows are almost completely independent from one another. Although, Tyler from TVD does appear on The Originals and shortly TVD will be getting a visit from Klaus and another Originals cast member.

  7. The Originals leave TVD at the end of Season 4.

  8. Only thing is they don't quite explain Hayley's involvement with the Hybrid slaughter properly. She was the one that convinced Tyler to do it, held his hand every step of the way, stayed with many of the hybrids while they broke their bones over and over to break the bond and then turned on them on to rat them out to Klaus which in turn got the hybrids AND Tyler's mother killed.

  9. I gotta agree. If Marcel would just make up his mind or at least explain the love/hate thing with Klaus a little more, I'd respect him more.

  10. Marcel is far from my favorite character, but my guess is that some of his caginess and back and forth has been intentional as one of the plot points for the season and that by the season finale we will know a bit more about where he really stands.

  11. I agree with you, but I'm generally wishing they'd get to the point with him a little faster.

  12. Really good point. I remember she was told she'd get to see her parents again or find out who they were (was it by Silas as the professor?) if she helped? But I just don't remember all of that very well.

  13. It was Shane, at first he said that he knew where her family was and if she helped, he'd tell her. Eventually she didn't want to help anymore as she was supposedly mooning over Tyler and didn't want him to get hurt but then Shane told her that her parents were dead but if she followed through with their plan to resurrect Silas that Silas would be grateful and resurrect her parents.
    Basically she turned on the boy she had feelings for and the pack that she promised freedom to and held their hands why they broke every single bone in their body hundreds of times to achieve it on the MAYBE Shane wasn't a nutter and MAYBE this Silas fool could resurrect her parents. And The Originals just glossed over it like she wasn't involved or responsible for the whole affair. I mean it takes a special kind of evil bitch to befriend the hybrids and stay with them why they broke the sire bond to turn around and sell them out and to cause the death of Carol Lockwood. I guess it's easier to pretend that never happened in order to sell this new version of Hayley they are trying to sell us in TO.


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