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SpoilerTV - TV Spoilers

Teen Wolf - 3.15 - Galvanize - Best Scene Poll

23 Jan 2014

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About the Author - Dahne
One part teacher librarian - one part avid TV fan, Dahne is a contributing writer for SpoilerTV, where she recaps, reviews, and creates polls for Sleepy Hollow, Arrow, White Collar, Grimm, Teen Wolf, and others. She's addicted to Twitter, live tweets a multitude of shows each week, co-hosts the Sleepy Hollow "Headless" Podcast for Southgate Media Group, and guests on ArrowCast for DVMPE. Right now she is creating a Last Week in TV weekly segment for her blog and others. ~ "I speak TV."


  1. Belizo JĂșnior23 January 2014 at 01:31

    the scene with Isaac and Alisson and the final scene with Kira.

  2. Teen Wolf is still going strong in season 3. My MVP of the episode was Argent and his "Werewolf" exasperation. My favorite scene though is a toss up. I loved Stiles and Lydia, Kira is all kinds of interesting, Talia gets a mention, and Coach brought the funny. There's a lot of good choices here.

  3. Those two are in the running for me too. I can't wait to find out more about Kira and her mom. Her mom's family is the key to what's going on. Or at least that's my feeling.

  4. Wacky Bomber tries to electrocute Kira but she turns it back on him in a supernatural light show

  5. So many good scenes! Obviously the final scene with Kira revealing her powers is the most impressive and the most intriguing. I love Stiles with Lydia or with Coach, these scenes are always funny no matter the intensity of the moment! Allison, Isaac and Argent ("Another werewolf!" LoL) scene is my favorite though, the whole scene is hilarious!

  6. Gosh, it is hard to chose. I think that the entire episode was one fantastic scene over another with the exception of Isaac and Allison almost kissing. To me, it broke the pacing of the episode, but then we get the funny scene with Chris and everything was okay again. :)

  7. Very, very slow in coming. Sorry. Usually I recap on weekends but I've been doing Last Week in TV at that time lately. Now that 2 of my shows are going on hiatus I hope to be better at it. Sorry.

  8. That was going to be my pick for Scene of the Week but Community is going to just edge it out I'm afraid.

  9. I don't care who Allison ends up with to be honest, but Argent was priceless in that scene. His railing about werewolves while Isaac listens in alone in Allison's room was fantastic.

  10. Don't be afraid I totally agree! :-) Scene/Quote of the week: "It’s not a game for me, Troy. I’m seeing real
    lava because you’re leaving; it’s embarrassing. I don’t want to be crazy
    but I am crazy. So I made a game that made you and everybody else see what I see.” And then faking death forever in order to let his friend go.

  11. It was such a touching moment that honored the Troy and Abed friendship. Best Community has been in a very long time.


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