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Teen Wolf - 3.13 - Anchors - Best Scene Poll

8 Jan 2014

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Welcome to the first SpoilerTV Best Scene poll for Teen Wolf. I hope you enjoyed the midseason premiere. On the Tuesday or Wednesday after each new episode, I will post a best scene poll with up to 12 options. One will always be "Other" in case your favorite is not included. You can choose one option and like all SpoilerTV polls, it is only one vote per IP address. Polls stay open indefinitely so you can participate whenever you've seen the episode.

Occasionally I like to add bonus polls just to spice things up. Normally today is when I would also do a best quote poll, but quite frankly it is hard to top, "Be your own anchor." I will look to do a quote poll next week to make up for it. I hope you enjoy these polls and pass the word, because not every show gets chosen to do Best Scene polls on SpoilerTV. I think it was how many people started discussing on the Teen Wolf threads during 3A that put us over the top. So the more participation and more comments, the merrier. Besides, it makes waiting for next Monday far less painful. Until next Moonday, happy voting!

PS - I am working on the recap right now. It should be up tomorrow or Wednesday. Episode awards go up next Monday in the inaugural article on my Last Week in TV column.

About the Author - Dahne
One part teacher librarian - one part avid TV fan, Dahne is a contributing writer for SpoilerTV, where she recaps, reviews, and creates polls for Sleepy Hollow, Arrow, White Collar, Grimm, Teen Wolf, and others. She's addicted to Twitter, live tweets a multitude of shows each week, co-hosts the Sleepy Hollow "Headless" Podcast for Southgate Media Group, and guests on ArrowCast for DVMPE. Right now she is creating a Last Week in TV weekly segment for her blog and others. ~ "I speak TV."


  1. Mama McCall is hands down the winner here. That was one of the best speeches I have ever heard in a teen-oriented show. Be your own anchor, indeed. There were lots of great scenes in this one that it is a shame there's only one vote. Lots to love in the midseason premiere.

  2. My favorite scene, oddly, was when Kira sat down with the group at lunch because she fit right in. I wasn't expecting to like her at all, and I wasn't expecting her to be able to fit with them so easily. And she did, and I like her already.

  3. I like her too for 2 reasons. 1. She finally pointed out that they talk about this supernatural stuff all the time in public. About time someone called them on it. 2. She is the first character who straight up gave them answers. It's refreshing in a show when they often know little pieces individually but no one ever wants to share.

  4. I say Stiles' inception scene because STILES. And also because it set the pace for the entire second half of the season right from the start. I really liked it.
    But Mama McCall did a great job and Lydia having fun not being the weirdo was also good. Overall, great episode.

  5. Ha! Stiles is winning the "Most in Need of a Spinning Top" in Monday's episode awards. It did a great job of ratcheting up the suspense and making it clear that 3B is going to be much darker. I also adore that Lydia is the "normal" one right now. I was cheering for her.

  6. that set of massively freaky dreams was really really high on my list but Melissa bringing her son back from the brink of rage, panic and complete loss of control was AWESOME!!!!

    Dahne...I'm trying to figure out if there's a way to woo you into giving us a multi-select best scene poll. :-) I would love to be able to pick my top 10 scenes in each episode. :-D

  7. The only other show I've ever show I can think of that called their characters on 'whispering at full voice is Warehouse 13. It was pretty nice to see it here too.

  8. I loved her Dad: "That would be her." moment.

  9. Her dad is getting a special award for cluelessness. Seriously, why would anyone think that was a good idea? Does he want her to run away from home in embarrassment?

  10. Those would be my 2 favorite scenes hands down too. Now what fun would it be if we could choose 10? The whole idea is the internal debate, the struggle, that then gets transferred into hopefully the comments section. :-P

  11. It used to drive me crazy, like policewomen running after suspects in high heels. Now it's a sigh and eye roll. I adore that they addressed it here but my guess is by next week they will be back to shouting about werewolves by the lockers again. Not sure how anyone at that school doesn't think they are nuts.

  12. It's not like they can actually whisper though if they did we probably couldn't even hear what they were saying and it's not like other shows have their characters whisper when they're talking about the supernatural stuff or anything in general.

  13. Woooo saaaaaa.....the high heels thing makes me a little apoplectic. :-) The other kids at the school do probably think they're nuts. Harmless. Funny, but nuts.

  14. You and your logic. :-D

  15. Then does appear she got a boyfriend out of it. Scott was definitely smitten. Melissa will be happy for Scott to stop throwing Isaac into the wall, at least.

  16. *raises hand*
    yep, i agree; the other kids probably do think they're all nuts and subtly avoiding them. it's why none of the popular kids seems to wander by and ask Lydia what she's doing with these guys these days, and why, though Scott is captain fo the lacrose team, he does not share a table with the rest of players and cheerleaders. let's face it: the only person in that school talking to them is the new girl cuz she probably hasn't heard the rumours yet.

  17. I'm incredibly fond of Melissa, so guess which scene I voted for. To tell the truth, I acutally scanned the list for the Name Meliysa and then just voted for that Scene.

  18. Ah so they are the once popular kids that everyone side eyes as they pass by now. I get it.

  19. You make a very good point. They do seem to be mostly isolated at school from the other kids.

  20. Hence why I have a problem with all genre/superhero shows that talk about these things in public. It makes no sense to pretend like your characters have a bubble around them. Supernatural has the Winchesters discussing cases in every diner with people right next to them. Hank and Nick from Grimm do the same thing although they have the common sense to normally not discuss things point blank at work, unless they are in Renard's office. Buffy at least had them talk in code every now and then to remind us that other people were around.

  21. Scott as boyfriend. Yeah, dad is really going to regret tossing his kid to the wolves (pun intended) like that. Of course, she will end up having a secret too which will nullify the wolf boyfriend issue.

  22. Ha! These best scene polls are going to be easier for you than the rest of us then.

  23. I like Mama McCall in this episode... Telling the boys the house has no supernatural healing abilities & definitely when she spoke with Scott about being his own anchor.

  24. While Stiles was the MVP of the episode for me, Mama McCall was the scene stealer. Every time she showed up was golden. That house quote was one of my favorites.

  25. Well, I flatter myself that I will usually probably be able to maintain a certain measure of objectivity, but this was a good episode, in which (in my opinion) nobody particularly stood out above the rest...except for Melissa, whom I love anyway :-)

  26. Bwah. Mama McCall was definitely the stand out, mostly because that speech was 100% true and proved that Teen Wolf was different than most teen-oriented shows.

  27. The opening sequence with Stiles was crazy good, Dylan O'Brien really brought it. I almost flipped when Lydia sat up in the bed, only for it to be another dream. Well done, writers, well done.

  28. It's a tie between "Stiles has a multi-setting nightmare and wakes up screaming with Sheriff dad holding him" and "Scott loses control in his anger at his dad so Melissa calms him and tells him to be his own anchor"

  29. The writers really made the whole sequence a mind trip. Best cold opening they've ever had and yes, Dylan O'Brien was brilliant. I can't wait to see what he does with the role this season.

  30. These are my favorite two scenes by far too. Really awesome acting in both.


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