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POLL : What did you think of Black Sails - I.?

26 Jan 2014

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  1. This was much more interesting than I expected. I figured it would be Pirates with Swords and ships. However, this was much deeper, lots of backstabbing and plotting going on. A good introduction to the characters and their relationships. Look forward to seeing how this develops.

  2. I was pleasantly surprised too!
    It seems like every pirate show of the last decade has that Pirates of the Caribbean comedic tone, but this is certainly none of that!

    The political maneuverings raised this up a few notches to me. The characters are fun, but the episode was very story driven and I prefer that in my serialized dramas!

  3. This was very good!! I liked the introduction to the characters and the plot was more complex than i thought it would be. I am glad that another good Starz show appeared to fill the void of Spartacus.

  4. Hmm, what pirate shows have there been? I can't even think of any.

  5. Not a lot, I know Treasure Island a couple years ago. I have seen a couple other pirate movies I think.

    Huh, maybe the reason so many seem like POC films is because they were actually POC films!! XD

  6. It was good like it was deeper a lot of back stabbing good like the characters and their relationships I do like sword fighting hope we see more of that good story driven over all good premiere will watch again now have something to watch on Saturdays along with Atlantis when I don't go out

  7. Really interesting, also like the cast. I'll definitely keep watching for now.

  8. László Harsányi26 January 2014 at 10:00

    Comparing it with the other period show from last week, The Musketeers, there are no question which one is the better. Cleverly placed story, pretty solid acting, nice set and costumes. The only thing which was below par is the panoramic sea-CGI - maybe they have run out of time or the money, it looked like as if the last passes of effects were missing.

    Other than that they sold me for the next epsiodes. I especially liked Toby Stephens - he was so different than in Vexed that I could hardly recognise him. John Silver's "charming bastard" character is also a good twist (except that he isn't "Long", but I can live with it). The multiple level of struggle for power is an excellent settings for a special, multi-sided chess play, where each move can have different consequences against the other players.

    It's interesting to see that Starz does another show, where we know the fate of all the main characters in advance. In case of Spartacus they managed to keep the tension despite of the inevitable defeat, I wonder whether they manage to repeat this feat.

  9. i am disappointed, i will give it a few more episodes but for me it was meh.
    Female characters are all written awfully and men are boring. My interest was peaked in the beginning with the special effects of the ships battle, it was great especially the sound effects but then it all came down to a lot of talking between characters i don't yet care to follow their conversation.
    I will watch a little bit more because i am interested to see if they get the big treasure ship or not. But if they drag out the hunt for an entire season and do a lot of talking and a little actual pirating i am out.

  10. László Harsányi26 January 2014 at 16:30

    Yeah, some showrunners do horrible things in tv shows, like doing dialogues. Such a shame. May I suggest the videogame Assasin's Creed - Black Flag instead? It's full of piracy, very nice CGI videos and barely any talk.

  11. I absolutely loved it! It's actually pretty much what I expected and wanted it to be. The cast is great and Toby Stephens as the lead - just wonderful.

  12. The pilot was interesting. This show has promise :-)

  13. It was ok, I guess. Nothing impressive so far. Production wise it was really good but I found the characters kind of boring. I hope they become more interesting along the way.

  14. Awesome, I watched released early pilot twice before I watched the live premiere and still enjoyed it


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