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Law and Order SVU: 15.12 - Jersey Breakdown - Review

29 Jan 2014

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I love how this episode started,  it was like the olden days of Law and Order. Where you find the victim in an alley, where they either receive  help or someone does something worst to them, unfortunately that was the case for Clare. The two men that found her in the alley after being raped in the stripped club started messing with her breast. Fortunately a man doing probation clean up saw them and fought them off, followed by the cops.

I love this case because it speaks to real life issues, most episodes do, but let me explain. The club owner hired runaways, got them hooked on drugs, brain washed them and made them think this was the only life. When they wanted to get off the drugs or quit dancing the money would stop, so in most cases the girls would go back. There are so many young women out there in the same situation. 

I think the writers do these kind of episodes to draw awareness towards sex trafficking. To teach us it doesn't just come in one form. Meaning anyone can be traded as a sex slave, men, women, or children. It could also happen right in your own back yard. That's what makes Law and Order Special Victims Unit so special and such an important show.

 So I think this was an awesome episode, even though Amaro was acting like a baby because he was on desk duty, and Rollins was sneaking off to Atlantic City every chance she got to gamble. Not to mention Clara kept getting passed around New Jersey because her rapist was framing her for credit card fraud. And Olivia was dealing with the stress of being Commanding Officer for the first time, and it lead her to drinking.  

About the Author - Shirleena Cunningham
Shirleena Cunningham reviews Law and Order SVU, Chicago P.D, How I Met Your Mother, Bones and Girls. She lives in Malibu California, and graduated from The Art Institute of California - Los Angeles in 2009 with a degree in Graphic Design. She also is a big animal rights activist and a big supporter of the Al Malaikah Shriners.


  1. The author has it wrong, Olivia isn't drinking b/c of the stress of being in charge it's what happened to her. Being abducted and physically assaulted by William Lewis. She's still suffering from PTSD, while recovering. It takes a long time

  2. I am n ot sure if I like this new drinking Olivia because it brings her near her mom's way of dealing with problems. Unfortunately this was, at least for me, something so predictable.

  3. Shirleena Cunningham31 January 2014 at 02:05

    No one really knows why she has started drinking. The William Lewis story is over so I highly doubt that's the reason. Because she opened the second bottle after she got the phone with Maria, which is work related!!! Not related to Lewis!!!


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