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How I Met Your Mother - Season 9 - Carter Bays and Craig Thomas Interview

18 Jan 2014

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IGN TV: This is the homestretch. Have you completed the final script?

Carter Bays: No, we have not. We have a lot of ideas, and we're gathering ideas. We've sort of nailed down everything leading up to that final script, and we know what happens in the final script, but we haven't had the "Craig and Carter in a room" time yet to really figure it out. I think part of it is, we're putting it off, because it means this is really ending.

Craig Thomas: We have an outline for it that we're still filling in. It's the last piece of the puzzle. Everything else is written, even the second to last episode. Carter and I basically have to lock the door in the next few days and really start cracking that episode. We've been stalling, because it's so tense.

IGN: Having had that ending in mind, though, all this time, is it sort of strange to know the broad strokes, but now you have to specifically lock it in in certain ways and make sure each character fits in correctly?

Yes, and you always feel like you have things a little more figured out than you do. When the rubber hits the road, you're kind of like, "Well, what is every minute of this hour-long finale?" There's a sense that we know the shape and the very end, but we need to figure out, like, "What's every word of that? What's every single word of that script?" It's so daunting to try to do that. We have a lot of it. I really think we've been stalling a little bit. We're still well ahead. It doesn't shoot for five or six weeks. I think you're always a little more confident when you haven't done it, and then when you sit down and do it, you're like, "Every word of this has to feel right and perfect, and the right goodbye."


  1. Lakshmi Chandra Naresh Kota18 January 2014 at 11:33

    fine to know

  2. Sally? Of all the names they could have picked for the lead on HIMYD, they go with Sally?

  3. Well, they went with Ted for HIMYM and it worked!

  4. God, this finale is going to hurt.


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