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Elementary - Season 2 - Casting News - Jean Alexander to Guest

16 Jan 2014

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Alexander will play C, a pen pal of Sherlock's (Jonny Lee Miller) whom he turns to for help with a case. "She and Sherlock have been engaged in a certain brand correspondence for the past few years," Doherty tells "They trade erotic letters. They've never met face-to-face, but they will in the episode in which Jean appears. She works in antiquities, and Sherlock believes she may be able to help with a case that he and Joan [Lucy Liu] are investigating."


  1. Oh this is going to be fun!!!!! Can't wait to see Sherlock's face!

  2. Sherlock really has a thing for letter writing.

  3. I've been noticing that. This has to be the third woman he has been exchanging letters with. There was also Moriarty and the woman accused of murdering her father. I was wondering if this supposed to show a pattern in Sherlock's behavior.

  4. Sherlock Holmes in the original did like to send out various telegraphs, this could be a subtle reference to that.

  5. Actually, it's JANE Alexander. I couldn't find her on imdb under Jean, but the TV Guide article linked to a picture of her, and I recognized her from The Blacklist.


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