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USD POLL : Which LOST actor's other tv show's are your favorite?

16 Dec 2013

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Today's User Submitted Daily (USD) Poll was submitted by LostLover who was picked randomly from our Poll Submissions (see below).

Let us know in the comments what you voted for and why?
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You can vote for 4 Options.


  1. i think POI is one of the best tv shows currently on air. and I also watch Revolution because of Elizabeth Mitchell<3

  2. Person of Interest, Once Upon A Time, The Vampire Diaries are my favorite.
    I also enjoy Revolution and Mistresses.
    Watching OUAT In Wonderland and liking it, but I know it isnt going to last long.
    Bates Motel is next on my to see list!

  3. POI, H50 & Revolution

  4. Other: Jeremy Davies work on Justified

  5. My favorite is OuaT, followed by PoI & TVD.

  6. Revolution? Who was in Lost and is now in Revolution ? o_o

  7. Elizabeth Mitchell (Juliet)

  8. OUAT, Revolution and FlashForward (I know a lot of people don't like FF, but I found it pretty enjoyable)

  9. Elizabeth Mitchell who plays Rachel in Revolution; she was Juliet in LOST

  10. How could I have forgotten -_-

    She's just my favorite in Revolution but well..

    Once again, I've got a memory like a sieve.....
    Thanks for reminding me!

  11. Person of Interest! No question! The show is one of the best shows on TV right now, even one of the best shows to ever grace TV. Michael Emerson absolutely kills it as Finch, so much so that it is weird for me to think of him as the devious Ben Linus.

  12. Revolution, OUAT, OUAT In Wonderland, Mistresses, and 666 Park Avenue.

  13. Who was on LOST and TVD ?

  14. Ian Somerhalder.

  15. Ian Sommerhalder played Boone in Lost. and some vampire(i think) in TVD

  16. I love OUaT, TVD and Bates Motel.

  17. He plays one of the main characters Damon. Damon is a vampire.

  18. Oh my god I know that already how did I forget?!!!!!!!
    Thanks guys.

  19. Who was in OUAT and Lost ?

  20. Once, POI, and TVD for me.

  21. And Jorge Garcia

  22. And here is another shows, keep enjoying. :)

  23. Once Upon a Time and Person of Interest to me.

  24. POI is more of a statement than a question..

  25. And Rebecca Mader is joining as the wicked witch!
    Plus this is in a small capacity but Charles Widmore (Alan Dale) has also come in Once..
    And Lana Parilla was in 2 or 3 episodes of Lost S3.

  26. Once Upon a Time, Person of Interest and The vampire Diaries!

  27. Person of Interest number 1, and OUAT.

  28. Person of Interest, Revolution and Hawaii Five-0.

  29. First is easily PoI.. Then i picked FlashForward, Once Upon a Time and Revolution.

  30. From the list:
    Once Upon A Time
    Person of Interest
    The Vampire Diaries
    Hawaii Five O
    Once Upon A Time In Wonderland
    666 Park Avenue

  31. The Vampire Diaries and both OUATs (OUAT and OUAT in Wonderland). I didn't have a fourth choice. :)

  32. Bates Motel, Person of Interest, The Vampire Diaries and 666 Park Avenue.

  33. I just love Michael Emerson on "Person of Interest"--and he was great in "Lost!"

  34. Person of Interest is definitely one of the best shows on TV today--or any day!

  35. PoI and Alcatraz from the list, plus Supernatural (Mark Pellegrino) and Fringe (Lance Reddick plus a brief appearance by Jorge Garcia))

  36. Lance Reddick is everywhere! He was on The Wire and I see he'll be on Intelligence and also some episodes of AHS coming up.

  37. Person of Interest, Bates Motel, and OUAT...

  38. Person of Interest and The Vampire Diaries (Ian is literally the only reason I watched the show in the first place and actually stick around after all this time).

  39. Agreed. Person Of Interest is the only one where I can honestly say an actor (in this case, Michael Emerson) has played two very different and very memorable roles. When the show started I thought Michael Emerson basically played the same character, but when I see him on LOST now it's like they're not even the same actors. :p

    By the way, Kevin Chapman (Fusco) played a tiny role on LOST once too! It always surprises me when I see it. Like seeing Dean Norris from Breaking Bad in ''Some Like It Hoth''. Such wasted talent. ;) The POI from last night's episode had a tiny appearance on LOST too.

  40. Jeez I haven't seen Lost since it ended (although I still love it and it's one of my favorite shows), but I haven't seen it since I've seen Person of Interest or Breaking Bad. I've rewatched 24 and my parents have rewatched NYPD Blue, where both Kevin Chapman and Dean Norris have been on. It's always weirdly cool to see these great actors in other things.

  41. Ian and his character Damon is the ony reason I keep watcing The Vampire Diaries along with Damon and Elena love their chemistry.

  42. I vote POI, TVD, Revolution & H50 as they're the best 4 IMO but I also liked FlashForward, 666 Park Avenue and Bates Motel


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