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The Mentalist - Episode 6.10 - Green Thumb - Promo

2 Dec 2013

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  1. Looks like a fun episode! Glad they didn't spoil Lisbon's surprise, cos i want to be surprised with Jane.

  2. disqus_BLvd5NQY3F2 December 2013 at 05:05

    not surprise that Jane playing games with everyone.....Lisbon better be a FBI agent!

  3. i love this new mentalist :)

  4. I hope not. Looks so desperate when she is happy with her job and quiet life.

  5. disqus_BLvd5NQY3F2 December 2013 at 05:26

    what would they do with Lisbon character if she not FBI? just a friend that occasionally drop by?

  6. That's what Jane does best. Mess with everybody. I love to see him in action. I can't wait.

  7. Is he eating a twinkie? He has to make others as miserable as he feels. Lol Feds

  8. Agent Fisher, you have a long long way to go before you think you are starting to work out Jane, and then times it by 10 years, and you still won't know.

  9. I can hear the surprise, as ‘Jane I don’t want to be a FBI agent” LOL. It’s funny Lisbon lets Jane run her life. 2 years later Ha Jane looks happy messing with people ok he is never *unhappy* messing with them. He looked sad on the photo I like the promo better. Fun Jane! He doesn’t sound upset with Kim either

  10. I am really curious what Kim will do with Jane. Lisbon's tactics never worked. The power struggle is a little different because of their romantic island past. She knows personal things he shared. Hee hee!

  11. I might say she was content with her quiet job and life but I wouldn't say happy. She clearly missed Jane a lot. I have no doubt she will join the FBI in some capacity and watching her this ep, I'm not surprised. She wanted to see him almost as much as he wanted to see her.

  12. Weird seeing him without a vest.

  13. Jane obviously still has some tricks left. They want him to solve cases for them. If they think they can outsmart him themselves then what use do they have for him. They just voluntarily invited a whole mess of uncertainty to their lives. It'll be fun to see Jane piss everyone off. :D

  14. Is it just me or did the show decide that it was too boring to be the CBS version of Psych so it is now becoming the CBS version of White Collar?

  15. Jane is back.

  16. What romantic past?

    They had eats and went to a dance. Afterward, Jane had seven shades kicked out of him and spent the night passed out.

    Unless he was talking in his sleep, I don't see much information changing hands there.

  17. "Any foolishness and I shot you" - yeah well...that is so Lisbons line...

  18. Kim is so boring. I actually hate her.
    She needs to go away or at least realize she has no chance with Jane.
    The only good, I can see coming from Kim is helping Jane realize he loves Lisbon.

  19. I loved how Lisbon is commiserating with Agent Fischer.

  20. I saw the pic he was writing his name on street when the cops came!


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