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MOVIES: Ant-Man - Paul Rudd gets Lead Role

20 Dec 2013

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Marvel’s “Ant-Man” has found its hero in Paul Rudd, who will star in the new film from director Edgar Wright hitting theaters July 31, 2015!

The casting of Rudd represents the actor that Marvel and Wright had long ago identified as its first choice to play Ant-Man, continuing the studio’s desire to cast actors that bring several dimensions to its onscreen heroes. The film’s plot is being kept under wraps.

“When Edgar Wright came to us with the idea of Paul Rudd, we felt a huge sense of relief because the first step in creating any Marvel Studios film is finding the right star," said Marvel's Kevin Feige. "We knew early on that we had found the right person in Paul. When he not only agreed to do it but became as enthusiastic as any actor we’d ever met with about doing the work, we knew we’d found the right guy. We couldn’t be more excited for our audiences to see what he’s going to do to bring Ant-Man to life.”

Rudd brings a diverse background to the role having become one of the industry’s most known actors with a reputation for smart, funny and creative performances. Rudd can currently be seen in “Anchor Man 2: The Legend Continues,” as well as past roles in “Anchorman,” “This Is 40,” “I Love You, Man,” “Role Models,” “Forgetting Sarah Marshall,” “Our Idiot Brother,” “Knocked Up,” and “The 40-Year-Old Virgin” among numerous other films, television shows and primetime animation.

In addition to “Ant-Man,” Marvel Studios will release a slate of films based on the Marvel characters including "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" on April 4, 2014; "Guardians of the Galaxy" on August 1, 2014; and "Avengers: Age of Ultron” on May 1, 2015.



  1. I like Rudd so happy he is part of the ever expanding Marvel universe

  2. I feel like I've known this for a while now. Is it just me, or did they not state which Ant-Man? There's Hank Pym and Scott Lang, though I'm assuming it'll be Hank. I like Rudd, so while I'm not very enthusiastic about Ant-Man, I'm willing to give it a shot.

  3. I love Paul, so this is awesome!

  4. He was being eyed for a few months but they just made it official.It's Pym.

  5. Makes sense it would be Pym, but I remember rumors of Lang appearing. Either way.... I'd be more excited about a Ms. Marvel movie, but I'm willing to give this the benefit of the doubt.

  6. Edgar Wright had the idea that Pym would be in the introduction and then Lang would be the present day Ant Man, showing how he acquired the tech and teaming up with Pym.

    Don't know if that concept is still present and we would see an announcement for Lang's casting, or Marvel are wanting to simplify it and just make Pym the present day Ant Man.

  7. Oh, ok thanks, I knew I heard somewhere about Lang and not just Pym. I guess we have to wait for more casting announcements.

  8. interesting bit of casting... I like Rudd, and will be interested to see how the Hank Pym character is written.... feels like Marvel likes actors who have the capability to add a humorous edge to a character (ala Chris Pratt in GotG), and wouldn't mind seeing that from this Pym (to a degree) as I seem to recall that Pym is typically portrayed as a very uptight genius type who had the Wasp for a personality foil... but since I haven't heard that they will be incorporating the Wasp anytime soon it might be a good idea to lighten the character up a bit

  9. very interesting indeed but looking forward to it too xD


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