Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Final Adjusted TV Ratings for Wednesday 4th December 2013

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Final Adjusted TV Ratings for Wednesday 4th December 2013

5 Dec 2013

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  1. Arrow! Sucks for Mob City, hoped for higher ratings

  2. I knew Arrow would be up those viewer numbers looked really impressive, maybe up again next week for the mid season finale? I dont watch the show but I'm rooting for the CW this season.

  3. is that not good for Mob City then? Its hard to tell with cable shows

  4. TTP down, oh well at least its steady.

  5. Sucks for TTP, good for Arrow and The Flash.

  6. Brilliant stuff for Arrow. Wow, I'm no retentionista but the difference between Arrow and TTP is just embarrassing. Hope TTP can start climbing soon.

  7. The last episode of TTP was totally worth it to get into (I wasn't sure I was going to keep watching, but the last episode brought me back). In my view, it would help the series if they wrote the lead character to be a bit more likable.

  8. No that's kind of bad. But then again TNT wasn't expecting it to do anything anyways seeing is how they are burning it off in 3 weeks. Clearly they regret green lighting and figured they would burn it off and make some money back, however little.

  9. Thats a bad time slot after arrow. Last year supernatural was in the spot and it was only doing 0.8 on average. This year its doing 0.9-1.1 on tuesday at 9pm.

  10. It's not a bad timeslot but imo too it's more competitive than Tuesdays. I personally think Arrow has as hard timeslot as TTP, if not a bit more, because I know of too many who live watch Survivor and DVR Arrow for it, and Survivor is not the kind of show that airs reruns and people tend to watch such reality shows live.


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