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USD POLL : Favourite movie from the Marvel Cinematic Universe so far?

28 Nov 2013

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Today's User Submitted Daily (USD) Poll was submitted by PaulaIreri who was picked randomly from our Poll Submissions (see below).

Let us know in the comments what you voted for and why?
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You can vote for 2 Options.


  1. Thor: The Dark World and The Avengers.

  2. No option for any of the blade films?

  3. Ahh a subject close to my heart, in order:

    The Avengers
    Iron Man 3
    Thor: The Dark World
    Iron Man
    Captain America: The First Avenger
    The Incredible Hulk
    Iron Man 2

    I am so excited for Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Guardians of the Galaxy next year.

  4. The Blade films are Marvel comics but the Marvel Cinematic Universe started with Iron Man in 2007 when Marvel Studios started. Though this has put me in the mood to watch the first two Blades which are fantastic.

  5. I like the Avengers most of all, then Iron Man 1, 2 and 3 (all tied), then Thor, then Captain America. I haven't seen Thor 2 or the Incredible Hulk yet...

    Are the X Men films part of the Marvel Universe? Aren't Magneto's children supposed to show up in The Avengers 2?

  6. I'm like a child on christmas morning (expect we dont have that in Norway) when it comes to both The Winter Solider and Guardians of The Galaxy.

  7. Sadly the XMen films aren't part of the MCU, though Fox are trying to create their own Universe by expanding on the XMen films and maybe crossing the Fantastic Four over.

    Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver are an odd case both Fox and Marvel own the rights. Marvel can't refer to them as Mutants or as Magneto's kids so it will be interesting how Whedon handles it (though there are many possibilities) and Fox can use them but can't refer to them as Avengers in anyway. Only Quicksilver is turning up in the next X-Men film.

  8. I think both have the potential to be the best MCU films yet, I think Guardians is going to blow everyone away by being so different than the films so far and all the things I'm reading about Cap 2 being a spy thriller makes me really excited.

  9. The Avengers and Thor: The Dark World.

  10. I love them all but The Avengers is by far the best. Then follows the Iron Man Trilogy, Thor and Captain America..

  11. Every Captain America-story in modern times are like a spy thriller with superheroes. Mostly he gets backup from Black Widow, Hawkeye or Falcon, and a few times Iron Man.

  12. I like and own all of that's available. I guess..Thor

  13. The Avengers and Thor: The Dark World.

  14. Why isn't there a choice for all of them? XD

  15. My favourite movie is between The Avengers, Thor and Thor: the Dark World :)

  16. I love Marvel movies! Fun idea for a poll! My favorite is The Avengers, but I loved all of those other movies.

  17. Thor: The Dark World is by far my favourite, it just had everything. Loved it :D

  18. Very difficult between Iron Man and The Avengers, but The Avengers just has more going on. I agree with the top-3 in every placing.

  19. Back In Black Tricksteress 951 December 2013 at 04:13

    Haven't seen the second Thor but I like the first one so I assume I'll like the second. And he's a Aussie superhero!
    I went for the Avengers as well, pretty action-packed.
    I like the Marvel movies :)


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