Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Revolution - Season 2 - TVLine interview with Rockne S. Bannon on what's next

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Revolution - Season 2 - TVLine interview with Rockne S. Bannon on what's next

21 Nov 2013

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TVLINE | Talk to me about the thinking in the writers’ room behind the nanobot twist.

The nanobot twist is something that really launches us into how we’re viewing the latter half of the season, which is kind of its own standalone event. People should be prepared for the last part of the season to really crank up all the show’s mythology on all sorts of levels. [There are] very big plot moves relative to the nano, but also in terms of the Patriots and what their game is and all the lengths that we have to go to to stop that. Character relationships — all that stuff is going to be wildly dialed up. The nano is one of the most exotic ideas about this world. [Aaron is] the perfect front man to lead us into that world. Where the nano takes him upcoming is fascinating and extremely emotional. We’re really going to be putting Aaron through the ringer in that regard.

TVLINE | When the little boy says, “You woke us up,” referring to when Aaron turned on the power, does that mean that technology was awake in the world, not just in Aaron?

Yeah. The nano is everywhere. There’s trillions of them. They not only infuse the atmosphere, but our bodies, as well. But it was Aaron’s actions at the tower that initially signaled him to be special. And then there’s other things that we’ll discover. There are other reasons why Aaron has been singled out by the nano.

More at TVLine


  1. Please don't bring Cynthia back. I never trusted her.

    All of this sounds pretty good actually! Ugh, stupid hiatus. At least it's not as long as last year's! That was the worst.

  2. Fernando de Carabassa21 November 2013 at 06:31

    it's obvious why aron is the one, or maybe to me is beacuse que wrote the code, in the episode they show us the book that the old lesbian lady had was a newspaper article about aron. then i think on the tower, they told us that they use aron code in the creation of the nanaties.
    If this things can know " his stuff" like the said in the last episode, maybe they know that aron actually made them.

  3. Looking forward to the continuation of the show, hopefully they don't mess up the schedule too much with the break(s) they have to take for the Winter Olympics.

  4. Reviews have said they're coming back in January and the Olympic don't start till February, so hopefully we'll get in a few before we might get into another break!

  5. That'd be great! Around 3 or 4 episode before another 3 week break, best we can hope for. My biggest fearis that they'll have it return after the Winter Olympics which means a three month break (again).


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