Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Revolution - Episode 2.09 - Everyone Says I Love You - Synopsis

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Revolution - Episode 2.09 - Everyone Says I Love You - Synopsis

2 Nov 2013

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Everyone Says I Love You
Charlie demonstrates to Rachel how much she has matured; Neville issues Jason a proclamation.

Source: SpoilerTV


  1. I really want Rachel/Charlie to continue hating (but ultimately loving) each other. The catty looks and remarks are fun to watch. I also have to say I don't think Rachel is a good mother.

  2. Is Charlie going to yell at her mom again? I'm here for that.

  3. They both need to learn to trust each other, but Rachel IMO is a good mother, but the problem lies in that she has a lot of important secrets and I think she's a broken person, because of all the sacrifices she has had to make for the alleged 'greater good' --and sadly it has cost her and taken a toll on her. Charlie's problem is that she's too judgmental (Holds people, especially her mother, to high standards) and doesn't have the experience to be able to understand and truly know who her mother is, but in that flashback when Charlie was snatched and they were all threatened by a desperately starving man, it is Rachel that made sure her daughter would be safe. Rachel is misunderstood, simply because we don't quite get everything she's been through yet and what exactly she really believes...Rachel just needs to find a way to start talking to her...

  4. Yeah me too. More angsty bitchiness is always welcome lol

  5. Love the title! (So is there going to be singing and dancing in this one XD??)

  6. The episode ends with everyone singing kumbaya ;)

  7. Have you ever seen the movie? It's one of Woody Allen's weirdest IMO!

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  9. Haha, yes, I have seen it. Still don't know if that's a good thing. xD

  10. I agree fully. Plus we all think our mothers and fathers can do no wrong when were young part of growing up and maturing is realizing that they are just as imperfect as anyone else in this world.

  11. It's probably not! XD


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