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Hart of Dixie - Episode 3.05 - How Do You Like Me Now? - Review

9 Nov 2013

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[NOTE: Please be advised that English is not my first language.]

This week's episode was a good one, light and fun, really enjoyable. Lemon proved to be the most valuable player in the Belles’ team although she is not an accepted player anymore, Lynly returned and now I kind of like her (just a little), Meatball reunited with Lemon just for enough time to give her a smooch and Zoe completely freaked out because Joel was not popular among the town members. Let’s begin.

Zoe, Joel and Zip Lining

This week Zoe was really upset because she finds out that just 13% of the Bluebell residents think that Joel is the perfect fit for her. Zoe starts making assumptions that if Bluebell doesn’t like Joel he will never be happy so she decides to make him popular among their neighbors. Of course that with Zoe in charge of this task nothing really happens as planned and he rear-ends Reverend Mayfair when Zoe tries to teach him how to drive her car. Zoe treats the Reverend and he offers her the possibility of supervising the Tween Adventure Camp, she accepts the offer with the condition that if she does that the Reverend will write a sermon that, in her mind, will make the town accept Joel. Everything was back on track until Joel refuses going with her into the woods mostly because he is afraid of heights.

When the Reverend knows about this, he calls George Tucker to come and fill in his place, offering Joel the possibility to witness how much the town of Bluebell loves George. Later in the Rammer Jammer and after a round of quadruple whiskeys, Joel makes up his mind after listening the story of how Zoe and George met and fell in love and leaves with Wade (his new BFF) into the woods so he can reach Zoe and show her that he is her real love story hero.

So, what do you think is the best way to show your love to somebody? In this case flowers and chocolate won’t do the trick so the obvious answer is drunk zip lining. While Joel faces his fear of heights right in front of Zoe, George, Wade and a bunch of kids, Wade whispers into Zoe’s ear that the town is wrong, George Tucker is not the hero of her love story, he is.

In the end and although Joel’s plan missed the target a little, the poll numbers increased to an honorable 35% leaving Zoe happier than ever.

I been predicting the end of Joel in the series since, well, since the beginning of the season to be fair and I know that it’s going to happen sooner or later, don’t get me wrong I like Joel but I’m surely in the remaining 65% of the people that doesn’t think Joel is the right guy for Zoe (if I was a Bluebell resident of course). In spite of everything this current events seem to be increasing the number of Joel’s days in Bluebell a little bit so he might stick around for a little longer than I predicted and expected. I agree with Wade so, for me, he is the hero in Zoe’s love story.

Lynly, George and Trivia quests

Lynly returned (yay!) and I couldn’t be happier with the direction that the writers gave to her character. She is back in town after visiting her parents and she is willing to show everyone, including George Tucker, that she has a bright side too and she is not only the spoiled, immature teenager that everyone taken her for. She practiced to her LSATs while she was aways and she is determined to show everyone that she took some something home from her tutoring sessions (more or less) with George. While in the Rammer Jammer she is paired with George Tucker in a Trivia contests and she shows that she is a smart girl after all, more adult and respectful. George Tucker seems to see that as well because he ends up inviting her for a darts game the next day which he cancels after remembering how much he loves his legs. Surprisingly (one more time) Lynly shows as a much more acceptant person but as persistent as ever when she admits to George she is not upset because he canceled their game/date but she is still willing to wear him down.

I already pointed out that I liked Lynly this week; she came back with the spark missing in the first episodes so I’m really glad with the path they wrote her. I liked the interaction George – Lynly as well but only time will show if their story lasts. I hope so but I don’t really know if it will.

Lemon, Meatball and The Gazebos of Alabama Calendar Cover

Lemon’s leadership gifts are required from Lavon this week so Bluebell gets the cover of The Gazebos of Alabama Calendar since Crickett is not being capable of handling the situation as well as Lavon wants to. As everything in life comes with a price, Lemon agrees with Lavon’s request with the only condition that meanwhile he is going to prove to everyone that Peter exists since all the of Bells girls’ think he is another imaginary boyfriend of Lemon. When Meatball learns about the situation he sees here the opportunity to held Lemon back in those big loving arms of him. Although Lavon succeeds in his task Lemon prefers not to pursue Peter because she thinks that is not possible to recreate what they lived together. When the gazebo is finally ready to be photographed Meatball takes the stage and appears chained to it with his mind filled with zombie songs about his love for Lemon. She is the one capable of making him unchain himself after telling him he needs to find a girl who loves all his qualities including liking Doctor Who (seriously Lemon who doesn’t like Doctor Who?) and after granting him one last kiss (with no tongue). This magical kiss inspires the photographer and Bluebell becomes the cover of the calendar.

I loved the Lemon-Meatball interaction in this episode and I really think that with this their love arch is finally over. Peter was discuss subject this week and I completely understand Lemon’s opinion, in spite of everything I still think he will come back sooner or later.

Finish Line Thoughts

George Tucker is the best guy for Zoe according to the residents of Bluebell. In spite of this I still think that is Wade the best guy for her and George Tucker, to me, a closed chapter in her life. We will see in time.

AB and Brick where left out of this episode, why? I don’t really know but I really missed AB since she is one of my favorite character.

Lemon is single but I can’t really predict for how long she will still this way. I really hope Peter comes back because, for now only he and Lavon seemed to be capable of making her genuinely happy and Lavon his already taken (Is he?).

What did you think of this week’s episode? Are you rooting for Wade, George or Joel to be the true hero of Zoe’s love story? Where you sad with the end of the affair between Lemon and Meatball? Is Lynly genuinely different or is this just a cover up for her real personality? Are you expecting a return from Peter? Share your thoughts in the comments, they exist for that, and don’t forget to tune in Monday for another episode of Hart of Dixie.

Rui (aka Rucax)
Rui is a 16-year old student from Portugal, currently studying sciences in a public school. He started contributing to SpoilerTV in August 2013 writing to Hart of Dixie. Before it, he wrote reviews to a Portuguese fan site of The Mentalist. Some of his favorite shows are: GoT, Arrow, Gossip Girl (R.I.P.), Hart of Dixie (of course), Under the Dome, AHS among many, many others.


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