Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Final Adjusted TV Ratings for Thursday 21st November 2013

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Final Adjusted TV Ratings for Thursday 21st November 2013

22 Nov 2013

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  1. I knew TVD wouldn’t adjust down I knew it I knew it I knew it. BEAST

  2. I'm supposed to be worried that Reign is doing well because that's bad news for TTP, but after the disheartening Stephen/Cara crap in the last 2 episodes of TTP, I'm starting to care less...

  3. Still amazing ratings for Reign, many people were saying that they think that Reign will be sent to Fridays in midseason, but i seriously doubt that CW would send show with 0.7 ratings to Fridays

  4. I haven't watched Reign, TBH the promos weren't pulling me in. Have you watched it? Is it worth watching? I like TTP, but i think it's doing ok. I agree with the Stephen/Cara crap. But At least there's more story than just that. Hopefully with the new episodes, they'll focus more on the action than the romance. (Rolls eyes). But i THINK TTP is ok for now.

  5. as a fellow TO fan I can tell you: I loathe it. I seriously do. The acting is horrible to subpar, historical accuracy is thrown out of the window, the costumes look like they were made for a medival themed prom and the storyline is borderline painfull. It's pretty heavy on shipping as well.
    If you're someone that rather has a shipping themed show over a storyline based this is the one for you

  6. don't be worried, Reign seems to be in the favour of some CW execs (considering it getting a script order before even premiering). Either Reign or TTP will go into a second season and I somehow don't see it being TTP

  7. Oh god!!! hahahahaha the horror!! No wonder! See my motto is if the promos aren't pulling me in, it's def. NOT for me! It's like my 6th sense with movies. I'm not wasting 20 bucks for a mediocre movie. And i sure as hell won't waste my time with a show that isn't catching my attention with it's commercials. Totally passing. Thank you so much. That saves me the trouble of sparing an hour of my life i'll never get back.

  8. I'm not really feeling this season of TVD (and it just might be my last) but OMG at it doing better than the whole NBC lineup!

  9. ✘Selena Payne✘ ♡23 November 2013 at 14:24

    This is is the best for me!! (so far)

  10. Well, if TTP gets good again, that would certainly be reason for me to worry because right now Reign seems like the horse to bet on (if it comes down to only one of these two, which is likely). However, if TTP sinks further because of the love triangle (now quadrangle with Astrid?) nonsense, it won't deserve a second season in my eyes.

  11. I have a feeling TTP will bounce to Friday in midseason unless it improves. Here's why: they have 2 midseason shows coming (Star-Crossed and The 100), and 2 Friday slots opening - 8pm (The Carrie Diaries) and 9pm (Top Model/Nikita). Obviously, neither of the new shows is premiering on Friday, so that means 2 existing shows have to be shipped there. Hart of Dixie and Beauty and the Beast are the two worst-performing shows right now, BUT I doubt both will go to Friday since that would mean premiering the 2 new shows together on Monday (very unlikely). So unless TTP rises or Reign slips, I think the likeliest scenario is TTP being sent to Friday along with one of the Monday shows, The 100 premiering after Arrow in TTP's original slot, and Star-Crossed going to Monday with either HoD or BatB.

  12. God i wish BATB would get cancelled already. Sigh....i still have hopes for TTP, and i will be looking at Star-Crossed when it airs.

  13. Season 5 rocks! When it was said this season was the New TVD, they weren't joking. Best TVD ever.

  14. Hi Shannon,
    Reign is pretty good. I'm a history buff. I see this show as the history they didn't put in the books. Lol... You need to watch it from ep1 if you can. That way you will appreciate the story and it's characters more. It's worth the watch.

  15. Hey. Thank you for the info. But i think i'll pass on this one. Mac, gave me some very critical statements. LOL You might not like what he had to say. So don't look down. But with what he told be i think i'll pass. I enjoy history to an extent. But if it's a whole lot of relationships going on, and bad acting. I wouldn't bother. TBH the promos weren't pulling me in. But thanks again. Maybe i'll cave when all of my shows are on hiatus, and watch the pilot.

  16. Lol. I saw what he wrote. I lol and thought it was cute. I don't see it as relationships, but I know some do, I'm not looking at that. Acting? Well to be honest there hasn't been a great actor since the 1970's IMO. So I'm one of those that really isn't into any shows acting abilities. I'm one who is more interested in the story it self. I think they all do an equally good job though. But like I said I'm a history buff and though this show is NOT all true history, there are facts that it's based on and to someone like me ;) Sifting through the facts and fiction is amusing. Mary Queen of Scotts was an interesting person and so was the King of France... "Maybe I'll cave when ...." lol that's how I found this one. I don't like it when my good show's are on hiatus! ;)

  17. hmm. i see. Well if i ever decide to watch the pilot, i'll let u know. : )

  18. Eidnoreid Pills8 April 2014 at 06:56

    Batb is more likely to move there or even HoD if they wanted to.


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