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The Blacklist - Episode 1.04 - The Stewmaker - Review:

15 Oct 2013

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The title speaks for itself. This wasn't as bad an episode as I expected, but it was still a very brutal one. Criminal Minds can keep its brutal murdering gore - preferably it doesn't continue to venture out into The Blacklist.

Elizabeth continues to attempt to investigate the crime involving the gun she found in her house. The storyline here was very limited, which was disappointing. I think the show will drag this out as long as possible, which I feel is a mistake. They should get out in front of it now, and develop it.

Predictable - the word I'd use to describe the courtroom scene. There was little doubt that the juror wasn't having a routine heart attack. Similarly with the kidnap of the witness, the faked agent is a routine used far too often.

What I wasn't expecting was Hector Lorca's connection to The Stewmaker. Reddington's hesitation gave it away, even before we saw The Stewmaker with Pena. Once Lizzy knew about Reddington's connection, the fun finally began. In the form of a firefight.

Blowing up the helicopter was unexpected, as was Lorca kidnapping Keen. Reddington's response was quite brilliant. Nothing is a joke with him, yet everything he says sounds like one. James Spader is sublime in the role, he has a perfect temprament to play the character.

One way this episode could have been improved is if the chefs had been making a stew in the kitchen where Lorca was hiding. That would have been the most ironic moment I've seen on TV in a long while.

Ressler isn't quite as unintelligent as I suggested in last week's review. His improvisation when Red gave him up was very resourceful, and his problem with trusting Red was probably the smartest thing he's ever said.

After much persuasion from Reddington, we find out who The Stewmaker is. He's actually a dentist. I'm honestly not sure which aspect about him is worse. I rather enjoyed Reddington's attempt to find The Stewmaker by way of tracking his dog. He thinks of everything, and is always a mile ahead of the FBI. Ressler might want to adjust his views on Red.

Watching Lizzy profile The Stewmaker was quite cool. Of course, it couldn't prevent her from being tortured. One thing that I found strange about The Stewmaker is that he is always naked when dissolving people. However, his failure at keeping Lizzy captive is probably the reason why he always deals with dead people.

What a nice save from Reddington. His anecdote was odd, something I didn't really understand at first. I was hoping that he would dissolve The Stewmaker, yet I had doubts as to whether he would or not. Of course, it wasn't like the FBI was hot on his tail. His justification of the murder was unsurprising. Everything he does is for Lizzy, and hopefully we'll get an explanation as to why soon.

I actually enjoyed this episode. The relationship between Reddington and Elizabeth seems to be developing, from Red's side at least. The storyline was better than last week, but it lacked the subplots. The Blacklist writers obviously know their music, finishing the episode with Matt Corby's 'Heart of Stone' made me smile. 7/10

Promo for next week, it looks like a good one:

Bradley Adams
15 year old in England. Love Hawaii Five-0, NCIS, NCIS LA, Person of Interest, Elementary, Criminal Minds, Nikita and Arrow, and the new The Blacklist, Hostages and The Tomorrow People. I am reviewing The Blacklist, Person of Interest and The Tomorrow People for Spoiler TV. Aside from TV, a keen cricketer.


  1. I apologise for the lack of images. Unfortunately Blogger is not agreeing with me today. I will try to add some in later on.
    Also, if anyone can find a decent YouTube video of 'Heart of Stone' (and by decent I mean one that's in the same tone as featured in this episode or in the NCIS season 10 premiere promo) please link in a reply comment. I will be eternally grateful.

  2. 'Made of Stone' - Matt Corby is the actual song name. In terms of tone, both The Blacklist and NCIS season 10 Promo, used a section from the middle of the studio version of the song, starting at around the 1 minute mark. I've checked out his studio version and all the live versions and the tone from this episode is identical to studio version, at least to my ears. best version on youtube. Hope this is what you were looking for. If not, drop a reply and I'll see what else I can dig up.

  3. Oh, and great review btw. Couldn't agree more.

  4. A great episode..The Photo that reddington took out was a surprise..and his willingness to do anything for lizzy is very interesting..his coldness when talking to the stewmaker was chilling

  5. Hopefully we'll son find out WHY everything Red does is for Lizzy, specially if he's not her father, as it was especulated earlier...

  6. Nope. I did find one of the decent versions when the NCIS promo was released. If you listen to the promo or The Blacklist from last night and then listen to the one you've found (or the 50 others I've found that are the same version as yours) it sounds different.

  7. The photo? Did I miss that bit?

  8. That isn't the case since we're going to meet her father in episode 7. I think it'll probably be a long time before we see his connection to her.

  9. After killing the stew maker ,before he gave liz the photo album...he took out a photo of a young girl and kept it in his pocket.He looked at that photo fondly towards the end of the episode

  10. Yeah, a little different. Could be the mix they used to interlace it into the clip. They may have adjusted things like bass/treble in order to have better integration with the dialogue spoken over it. I'll keep searching and let you know if I find anything.

  11. Oh you should rewatch the last fifteen minutes. He gives Liz the photo album with all the victim's photos but before he does that he takes a picture of a girl who was killed in December of 1990 and was the 79th victim. I assume it was his daughter or someone he cared about and since he disappeared during Christmas of 1990 I'm sure that was the catalyst to him going on a different path.

  12. I also thought that was his daughter, but in the first episode they said that Red left his son and wife. I am thinking sister, now.

  13. I am actually enjoying the slow pace they are taking with Tom's mystery.
    Now with Red, they are making him more mysterious, last episode there were those numbers from in the envelope, this episode there is the picture of the girl. I don't think we'll find about it any time soon.

    Great episode and great review Bradley.

  14. And what's with The Stewmaker being naked and all the marks on his body.

  15. Sarah van Binnebeke15 October 2013 at 22:28

    maybe lizzy wronged somebody in Red's life and it's a complecated plot for revenge???

  16. Ayna B. Gundersen15 October 2013 at 23:55

    Btw, the stewmaker is always naked when dissolving people because if he does get any blood or something on him he can just wash it off. Not so easy if he'd have to get rid of clothes.

    It's very apparent that I watch too many cops and killer shows by just knowing that, but oh well xD

  17. Love the Blacklist. Spader is FANTASTIC. His line delivery and facial expressions are the best on TV not to mention his style of dress. I am also very happy to see that Lizzy's makeup was toned down. Her first episode she looked like a disco queen withe her bright reddish hair and fuchsia lips. Now she looks more professional and subdued. This show is just fabulous...........Spader chewing the scenery is just brilliant. His mind is fascinating and his deducing eyes............he is a criminal Sherlock Holmes. Please let this show go on for seasons and seasons.

  18. So I wrote this, read through it a couple of times and have accessed this post multiple times in the past three days - and I've only just noticed the review doesn't have a title. Bugger.

  19. Nusaiba I think you should write The Blacklist reviews since I learn a lot reading your comments. I saw that Lizzy looked at the Angel Station Hotel but what does it mean? Thanks.

  20. what is the significance of the Angel Station Hotel? BTW, he looked at the picture fondly not sadly. I would think it if was someone he loved that was killed, he would have looked at it very sadly. I think he knew her and liked her, but it was more like he was thinking "what a shame she had to die." She may or may not have anything to do with Lizzy. He may have just wanted her not to find the connection to him.

  21. Haha thanks, Mari! I just watch tv obsessively and rewind when I don't pay attention.

    So Angel Station is the location/name of the crime that is linked back to Tom's gun. Or at least what the show is telling us is Tom's gun. (The super classified homocide that she doesn't have the clearance to see.)

    At about 2:12 we see a box that Liz pulls out from the file room with the case number 12-11579 and name Angel Station. So either the homocide happened at the hotel or something super fishy is going on.

    I hope that helps!

    kh1234, I think that the picture is someone related to or known by Red, and Red took the picture out, like you said so that Liz doesn't find the connection.

  22. Thanks! That really helps. You have to pay attention to detail in this show! Think back to the "old days" when you couldn't rewind a TV show. You missed a ton of clues!

  23. How do you know we are going to meet her father in episode 7? Also, was there ever an explanation of what happened to Lizzy's parents? I thought they died. If so how did the die? How old was she? Who raised her after they died? Does she have any siblings?

  24. more likely that one or both of her parents wronged Red

  25. A lot of people have speculated that the numbers in the envelope are Lizzy's date of birth, but why he would need that? I'm sure it's something he could find out easily enough for himself.

  26. maybe her parents got his only child killed or something along those lines so he is taking his revenge out on Lizzy. Only a theory I'm throwing out.

  27. I read it somewhere on SpoilerTV I think.

  28. Sarah van Binnebeke21 October 2013 at 17:37

    but how would hurting Lizzy hurt her parents? I'm not saying you're wrong but if he's plotting hurting her with the hints he planted her life will suck

  29. DVR and the internet are so helpful to TV watching now. We even have wikias dedicated to each show. I will probably comment on the review of tonight's episode with any big things we learned as well if you guys want. :]

  30. I think my problem is trying to write my review WHILE watching the episode. I forget that stuff happens during the music montage.

  31. Thanks Babar. I think the slow pace is good for a while, but how long are they gonna drag it out? 10 episodes? 15? A season? Longer?

  32. I think that's too long. It's what I like about Arrow, you're never sitting there wondering for very long.

  33. They said daughter in the first episode. :] "coming home to see his wife and daughter for christmas" I actually ended up rewatching that scene while talking to a friend. Sister would also work.
    Bradley, I always end up rewatching the first ten and last ten minutes since a lot happens. For example the first time I watched the second episode I completely missed that Dembe had been trafficked by the cartel. Since that was revealed during the music end.
    And this last episode, I almost missed the Angel Station Hotel reveal because I had turned my head and had to rewind to see if I had seen that right.


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