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Poll: What Was Your Favorite Scene in Person of Interest "Mors Praematura"?

30 Oct 2013

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  1. Wow, you're quick! I vote "other." I thought the scene in which Shaw handed Root over to the CIA agents was I'd already posted in the other thread.

  2. That was a great scene too! Argh! This show! Always too many scenes to hope to get them all - I whittled down from 14! Thank heaven for the "other" choice...

  3. Mission Accomplished? BOOM! That is my fav scene!

  4. InvestedInYourFuture30 October 2013 at 09:01


    - Root casually eating an apple while tazing the guy
    - Every single scene of Root and Shaw's banter about stuff.

    - Root's conversation with the hacker in the "cell".

  5. start_wearing_purple30 October 2013 at 09:46

    The milk casually next to Shaw's arsenal was hilarious. Though my favorite scene was the last scene.

  6. My favorite scene was actually not a scene, but a running gag that ran through several scenes, including the one I mentioned. It was the way Root kept reciting sequences of numbers and/or words to Shaw that meant nothing at the time, but turned out to be important as a clearance code -- or whatever -- moments later.

  7. OMG -YES! That was priceless - and part of Shaw dodges the authentication code...

  8. I think I see a Root-Shaw fan! I think one of the most astonishing things about this show is that it was so highly successful based on the Finch-Reese relationship and they were able to write two completely different, yet compelling, _female_ characters that the fans have embraced! You don't see that every day!

  9. I know, right?! That's why I had to include the fridge scene...

  10. Well, I hear there's some hatred for Shaw in fandom, but they've also got another great female character in Carter.

  11. For me, the scene where they all meet at the intersection with the Patriot on the Horse statue was the best. It was the climax of the whole episode.

  12. Other: Mine was actually when Reese catches up to Shaw and they pass each other first in vehicles, then pass each other on the street, which then parallels Jason seeing John for a spit second in the middle of the havoc

  13. Definitely the last scene between Finch and Root, but the all episode is full of great moments.

  14. InvestedInYourFuture30 October 2013 at 15:53

    Sadly don't know about fandom embracing them.

    I like them a lot, but quite a lot of fandom still seems to throw hypocritical sexist remarks about them.

  15. That's disappointing...

  16. start_wearing_purple30 October 2013 at 16:18

    I think that's one of the things I love so much about POI. There are a ton of subtle humorous moments.

  17. Yes, the look on Root's face...priceless.

  18. I think the scene where Shaw and Reese see each other in passing at the scene of the abduction.

  19. The Scene where Finch tells Root that she may be just where the Machine wants her to be just ran chills up my spine. Finch was looking pretty ruthless.

  20. The last part definitely. . The machine knew that root out in the open will be a hazard and she had to be contained and it found a clever way of doing so

  21. Other: John tells Harold that he is there if he needs him. It was a simple and subtle scene but I really liked seeing how far these two have come. It made me miss the old times when it was them against the world.


NOTE: Name-calling, personal attacks, spamming, excessive self-promotion, condescending pomposity, general assiness, racism, sexism, any-other-ism, homophobia, acrophobia, and destructive (versus constructive) criticism will get you BANNED from the party.