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POLL : What did you think of Person of Interest - Reasonable Doubt?

16 Oct 2013

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  1. Great episode, per usual. Sucked not having Root and all, but still, love Shaw's continued dynamic with the group. And even Bear got some action this episode! Nice to see also that Bear still likes Reese best.

  2. Loved the episode as usual. Nice that Bear got to help out at the beginning.

  3. Does Bear get shot? The preview looks like it...

  4. You haven't seen the episode yet?

    No, Bear doesn't get shot.

  5. I live on the West Coast. I'm babysitting my autistic nephew and it's his favorite show, but he'd get very upset if the dog was harmed. Wanted to make sure Beat is ok.


  6. Just FYI there is a edit button on your post. At least there should be. Just for future notice so you can fix mistakes directly. :)

  7. I see. Yep Bear is fine. :)

  8. This may be the first "okay" vote for this show from me...
    This was a below average episode to me.

    I enjoyed the visit to the vet (even if a completely unneeded scene for the COTW) and Carter's new partner revealing he was working for HR. Even if I already suspected as much. Also liked Finch's bird alias du jour XD

    Maybe next week will be the week they do not literally have to hold Shaw back from killing someone? Yeah, I doubt it too.

    The thing that bothered me most was the COTW itself. The case itself was predictable to me and the actress was just terrible! Then on top of that the scenes with her just talking were so long and numerous. Added to that was Carter and Finch taking a scene to spell it out for even the audience members who might be asleep or partially brain dead. Why do shows do that? The end scene with Vanessa and her husband whining to one another was disappointing to me. I, much like Reese, just did not care at that point.

    This is the first episode of the series I will skip during my next re-watch of the series.

  9. Great episode. I do have to say that the scenes with the prosecutor trying to make her case with the team and them discussing it did get a little long and boring, but the twists were worth it. This episode had more twists and turns than a maze. It was easy to get lost in who's who and who did what when. The one thing I'm really starting to miss with POI though is the action scenes. This was the 4th episode of the season, and we haven't really had a single one. I'm really starting to miss that. I hope we get some soon.

  10. What I saw i really liked (stupid satellite receiver rebooted 3 times) I love the way they're defining Shaw as more than just a female version of John. I also like the way she's yanking the boys out of their emotional ruts. Happily they didn't take forever letting us know that Carter's training partner is working for HR. And I liked the ending.

  11. You have suffered through the final stages of Dexter, too, right? So the massive amount of expositional dialog shouldn't be a strange thing per se in TV shows nowadays, but I sure got this very feeling about PoI since S3 started, too. Maybe I got damaged by all the superfluous dialog in Dexter's last season, but as soon as I saw PoI ep 3x02 I thought, oh please don't get on that train too, now! (I remember the episode also had Reese standing around and doing nothing for half the episode except for delivering lines that explained completely obvious stuff to an audience - like you said - that might be half asleep.

    Anyway, the show still has to disappoint me, and I remember the episode with the Russian playboy in S2 as the only one that didn't amaze me at all so far, so they're still far ahead in the positive spectrum. Hope it stays that way for however long they actually plan on running this show =)

  12. I had not noticed it before this episode, but like @Tyler Maltby mentioned there really has been a lack of action this year! Reese had a great scene in 3x01 and Root had a great scene in 3x03.... and that is basically it for real action scenes this year. Bear has as many action scenes as Reese this year! That is not a good thing! XD

    I do not mind exposition at all, if it is needed and interesting, but so much of POI's dialog this season has been explaining the obvious. Basically wasted time.

    I am not a huge fan of Root being a regular, but at least her heavy on dialog scenes were entertaining and worthwhile. Verbal sparring and filled with fun.

    I assumed with the addition of Shaw there would be more operators in the field doing more things... ie more action! Instead we have more operators standing around watching and talking! We have literally had more scenes of someone either holding Shaw back from killing someone or telling Shaw not to kill someone than actual legitimate "action" scenes.

    I have suffered through Dexter, but unlike some (maybe many?) I enjoyed the last couple years. I thought Season 4 is one of the more overrated seasons if I am honest. I look at Season 4 as prelude and the impetus for Season 5 which I loved.

    I always thought the show was about Dexter's evolution so the internal monologue and exposition was easy for me to accept. This year did lay it on a bit heavy though. I felt like they wanted to move things along faster than they had time for, so they used more lengthy exposition to do the job.

    I agree though, even the disappointing episodes of POI are usually somewhat entertaining. And they are far outnumbered by the great episodes. I'm not down on the series yet, but this has been a slow start to the season.

  13. I was only talking about Dexter's final season; I had way fewer problems with whatever came before =)

    And I agree about Root, dunno how to judge her development so far. Especially in the last episode, I thought they might be developing the series into a crazy-AI-led-by-a-maniac-beauty thriller, but that wouldn't be my favorite direction. I always liked the down-to-earth, realistic approach that came with the machine, but since the S2 finale it seems the writers turned it into an organism that can be controlled by, well, thoughts and whatever quiet words are uttered by Root when standing in front of a PC? Seems like the machine has infiltrated about anything with internet access by now, and that happened very suddenly.

  14. What the hell is happening to this show? It was truly an awful episode with a story borrowed from a Harlequin novel. :/

  15. Hrrrm.. not a fan of this one, the ending felt really dumb, John couldve taken out both and delivered them to the Police or something, not just let them kill each other, whats the point of kneecapping people when he does this? Felt really hamfisted, especially with the "Justice" tag on that ship too.

    Dont get me wrong, i love PoI, its my favorite show ever, but.. season 3 so far isnt as good.
    Im not a fan of how every number gets delivered to that safehouse, and how open EVERYONE is with their identities, i prefer low profile Reese and Finch, i mean, Carter worked under her -real- name last episode, thats baffling to me.

  16. Every 4th episode ends up in ambiguity.

    Season 1, Episode 4 - Reese pondered what he should do to the rapist. The screen faded to black.

    Season 2, Episode 4 - Reese told the bounty hunter that he was "not here for the money." The screen went black.

    Season 3, Episode 4 - Reese let the husband and wife battle it out
    because they were not good people; two gun shots are heard, but the
    outcome only can be guessed. The screen faded to black.

  17. Linda Sabine Oleksa16 October 2013 at 12:58

    Some nice moments in this episode, but also more glaring plot holes/out-of-character behavior. Highest on the list is 1) Reese giving a gun to someone who, to the best of our knowledge, had no idea how to use it and not even the must cursory training and 2) Reese just walking off and letting the two kill each other (maybe). They were thoroughly unlikable people, true, but ... Root kidnapped Finch twice, tortured a man in front of hm, murdered two people on-screen, etc., etc -- and she gets sent to Happyville. These two faked a death and framed each other, no innocents killed, and they get to die? Really? Also, John had better hope Vanessa's husband is a good shot, because if she's alive when the Coast Guard gets to that boat, the first thing she'll do is name Carter and the second is get with a sketch artist and give them Reese and Finch. This show attracted the smartest fans in the world, and now they insult our intelligence on a weekly basis. I'm disappointed.

  18. I found the moral ambiguity rather disconcerting. The idea Reese levels the field with both his guns? He did not even wear gloves or wipe them down before handing it to them. So he will surface on the FBI radar again?

  19. start_wearing_purple16 October 2013 at 13:31

    I liked the moral ambiguity, as someone pointed out it had similarities to other episodes in previous seasons. Could have done without the gun shots at the end.

    Overall though I felt this was one of the very few disappointing episodes. Most shows today try to have some kind of twist in a plot line... this one felt a little obvious. First off, of course the husband was a alive. A rip off of an Ashley Judd/Tommy Lee Jones movie and not a really good movie. Secondly, who didn't see it coming that Carter's new partner is Terney's boy.

  20. Yeah season 3 has not been as good as the past, I agree.

  21. Exactly.
    Pretty lazy for a guy living in the shadows who was just subject of a manhunt by a couple of government agencies. I know many handgun grips do not take fingerprints well, but there is the magazine, the bullets themselves, the slide... the gun would have Reese all over it.

  22. Fun episode (not an awesome one), but with exception of one additional twist, this was straight out of the movie "Double Jeopardy", which I've seen one too many times :p

    I really liked our POI though (thought the actress was pretty cool) and how "betting on outcomes" has thematically resurfaced, especially since it was Shaw who brought it up and it was pretty cool that she was right, proving her an asset and perhaps more insightful than she lets on?!

    Fun little shout out to LOST with 'the book club'! -I almost thought Shaw was going to wip out a gun and not Chardonnay followed by, "I Guess this means I'm out of the book club?", but no such luck! It was a great scene though and I really LOVE Shaw paired with Fusco.

    Poor Carter...I knew Lanskey was probably bad news, but how predictable.

    Kind of surprised how Reese left things, especially because I think Finch was trying so hard to figure it out and save lives. It almost seems everything is getting away from his initial intentions.

    Bear! XD Absolutely apart of Team Machine!

  23. I actually liked the actress, but I agree there has been a little too much talking going on. I don't know why they're spending so much time holding us back. And ya, I've never been found of scenes that overspell things out (unless it's a more philosophical show/psychological show/episode) I hope we're going to get a bigger episode soon, because it does feel like everything is being stalled!

  24. Na, In Dexter it's different because it's way to show his character progression, as he lacked good communication and verbal understanding, which was why it was important the season focused on that aspect of himself and others (but that's not say that there were times where it was over done) ;)

    Boardwalk Empire actually has been on a rather philosophical and surreal rant, which I thought would have died this season, since last season's ending felt like it would have been more of a turning point in relation to the after math of season 2, instead it feels the characters are stuck debating choices and identity in Limbo and there's no energy charged character like Rossetti to balance it out!

    I enjoyed this POI episode, but I do think we're spinning wheels in a show that didn't seem to do that too often or for long periods of time...

  25. Nice Catch! I had not noticed!!! So what can you tell us about episode 5's! XD

  26. So Carter's new partner is an HR plant after all. Bummed my theory didn't pan out.

  27. My first thought when the character was announced was "here we go again" along with the episode title "Nothing to Hide", but then during that actual episode I found myself temporarily contorted, because he came off so sweet, but alas he sadly met my first impression. Maybe in the long run he'll turn out to be better than I think?! :)

  28. Yes, there's an example of when it was over done XD

  29. for the record, Reese did wipe the weapon before he left the couple.

  30. I like Root, but I don't think it's a good idea she shows up in every episode, which will definitely ruin the balance of the show.

  31. A fair point, but given Finch calling Reese at the end of the previous episode, there should've been at least a comment about it.

  32. Both guns were his. There are so many places where his DNA, and marks could be found. Gun have so many sharp edges that getting cut is fairly easy and ignoring the left over blood would be easy to do.

  33. Come down, season 3 is in the beginning, wait for the upcoming episodes and than we talk about it.

  34. So are shows like Arrow and Five 0, and they work out fine.

  35. Great episode, hilarious, the case is fine, but I miss a little of emotion on the POI of the week, I never trust her since the beginning. The final scene was interest and I think Reese make the right choice.

    I miss Root, but more in the fact they not talk about what's happen on the previous episode.

  36. I agree about this. I don't want her around all the time but it is not consistent to ignore what went on at the end of last episode and simply act as if nothing was going on.

  37. The voiceovers and expositions grew to ridiculous redundancy in Dex' S8. If Dexter was getting angry, and he was visibly enraged, the voiceover would say "This makes me angry!" and Ghost Harry would pop up to say "This really makes you angry, son!"

  38. I didn't find the Lanskey thing predictable, I really bought that she would mentor him and all that. Maybe I am too naive :P

  39. Great episode! The case kept me glued, so many twists and turns, really cool. And I liked that it was mostly Finch and Reese with the occasional Carter and Fusco. I mean, I don't mind Shaw but she needs to come in moderate doses like in this episode. And I feel they make her too much of a caricature at times. I mean, the scene in which she wanted to stab the guy at the bank for taking too long to type was too much. But great episode, I am glad the show is back on track after a weaker premiere.


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