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Once Upon a Time - Episode 3.05 - Good Form - Sneak Peek

21 Oct 2013

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Thanks to Tyler for this sneak peek that aired during this morning during an Interview with Jennifer Morrison.


  1. Still not too sure about Henry's sudden transformation into a Lost Boy.

  2. It was definitely sudden, but I guess we have to assume that Pan was successful in making Henry doubt, which is kind of bizarre considering he has 'the heart of the truest believer', so why the need to dash his spirits? Ultimately we don't know if Pan actually understands the terms and conditions of the Prophecy....

  3. The little boy he is young Shawn from the show Psych.

  4. I personally hope Henry is faking it in an attempt to buy some time until his mothers come for him.

  5. *facepalm* You kniw, that you could wrote that in first post?

  6. Ah, that would be a cool a twist and a nice progression for Henry to not just totally be a plot device.

  7. Hahaha my bad, next time I will :)

  8. Shannon Maria Cummins21 October 2013 at 20:36

    what theeeeeeeeeeeeee? IIIIIIIEEEEE

  9. Shannon Maria Cummins21 October 2013 at 20:42

    I dont undertand this has to be manipulation again maybe they were "PLAY" sword fighting or something I mean it doesn't make sense for him to want the "one heart of the truest believer" just to destroy that belief if he truly wanted to save magic it just doesn't add up


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