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Lost Girl - Episode 4.03 - Title and Synopsis

29 Oct 2013

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Episode 4.03 of Lost Girl will be called "Lovers. Apart."

Bo risks her life to save a haunted family; Dyson rushes to be by Bo's side.

Source: SpoilerTV


  1. If Dyson is rushing to be by her side I guess she gets hurt.

  2. Another healing sex.

  3. Well we can't get enough of that :D

  4. So Dyson will try to be the hero and will get his ass kicked again and Bo will save him. Same boring stuff. Dyson is such a boring character, everyone has to save him all the time!!!!

  5. A Dyson Bo hookup huh?

  6. "Dyson rushes to be by Bo's side." This again? This sounds sooooo boring. :/

  7. sounds good glad i haven't heard the L word since the finale

  8. I wish these were a little more exciting. These could seriously be generated by an automated program, just plug in different verbs for Dyson to be doing and nobody to be caring about.


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