Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Homeland - Episode 3.07 - 3.09 - Synopsis

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Homeland - Episode 3.07 - 3.09 - Synopsis

24 Oct 2013

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Episode 3.07 - Gerontion
Saul makes the gamble of his career; Carrie and Quinn try to contain a local police investigation; Mira's marriage is at a crossroads.

Episode 3.08 - A Red Wheelbarrow
Carrie and Quinn pursue a key suspect in the Langley bombing; Saul contends with political backlash; the intelligence job takes a toll on Fara; the Brody family gets shocking news.

Episode 3.09 - One Last Time
Carrie and Brody reunite under difficult circumstances; Saul gets a win from an unlikely source; Dana struggles with her new life.

Source: SpoilerTV


  1. Fuck Dana.

    For real.

  2. So Brody isn't dead? unless she reunites with his corpse...

  3. Aw shucks, Dana doesn't die

  4. Looking forward to episode 9, minus the Dana scenes.

  5. I'm quite shocked by the fact that Brody is still alive by episode 9. But I'm looking forward to the reunion.

  6. I wish it was Dana struggling with her new life as the undead. Maybe she would be bearable then.

  7. Homeland - Episode 3.10 - Good Night - Synopsis: Brody embarks on a mission with high stakes

    Looks like he's alive and kicking.

  8. Hopefully said "mission" does not involve Saul trusting Brody, think that is a fundamental line that the show can never cross and be remotely plausible going forward.

  9. Yeah I saw that after! I was damn convinced that he was going to die..or die soon anyways!


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