Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Grimm - Episode 3.01 - The Ungrateful Dead - Sneak Peek 2

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Grimm - Episode 3.01 - The Ungrateful Dead - Sneak Peek 2

21 Oct 2013

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  1. Juliette seems to be taking things oddly well for someone who just found out about all this stuff very recently.

  2. True. Nick should have told her long, long ago.

  3. Why do feel like I just watched a Walking Dead promo?

  4. I like it. I think all the weird stuff that happened to her, and Juliette having to figure it out so slowly, somehow prepared her for all this weirdness.

  5. I'll be okay with it if the show doesn't decide to start glossing over the fact that she's new to all of this.

  6. I agree. I'd like for Juliette to reflect a new viewer's perspectiv, learning about the Grimm world, showing awe and sometimes a little freakout for something that deserves it, etc.

  7. InvestedInYourFuture21 October 2013 at 19:18

    I like it. Grimm has been very strong with delivering unexpected reactions from characters and NOT taking the expected routes(case in point: how Nick took the whole Grimm thing and how he avoided becoming "burdened hero" stereotype, or how Nick is already in a strong relationship by the start of the show, instead of willthey-won't-they bs).

    Juliette taking it relatively well is just another one of those hings. Its very reminiscent on how characters would handle revelations in BTVS and ATS(case in point Seth Green's Oz reacting to the whole "there are vampires" thing with "oh, that makes explains a lot actually")

  8. Any chance of a region unlocked version?

  9. Cool, never heard of it before, I'll look into it. Thanks!

  10. It makes a lot of sense to me. The fears you cannot identify and that are hiding around the corner are the scariest and most horrifying. She's spent a whole season with unknown fears haunting her, thinking she's crazy, seeing things, experiencing that unidentified horror. Finally her fear has a face, she has friends to fight it with, there is no lurking horror anymore and everything is much more 'normal' (ironically) than it was when she didn't know what was going on! Makes perfect sense to me. :)

  11. When the show first started, I was convinced Juliette's name was symbolism that meant she was doomed. That boiling water scene was where I changed by mind. She didn't even pause- reached for the knife, realized the water would serve her better, and went for it.

  12. All right, JULIETTE! Kick that zombie off! :D I always liked you.

  13. I think it is awesome...looks like she finally gets the storyline she should have in the second season. And honestly, now is not the time for her to break down. Nick will need the help of the whole gang.
    I have a really good feeling concerning this season. Perhaps the writers learned from their mistakes, and perhaps the executives found another show to meddle in.

  14. She thought she was losing it for months already. Now she realizes that everything happened for real reasons and she's actually sane. I'm pretty sure there is a part of her that is frightened but also another part that is so relieved that she understands what is going on around her.

  15. I'm not saying she should break down. The stuff going on in her head for 17 previous episodes was even more harrowing than a zombie horde. I'm simply saying that she seems to be taking this a little too in stride for someone who literally just had all of this explained to her. I don't want the show to start glossing over the fact that she's new to all of this.

  16. Yeah, but this is not the moment to hesitate and she has shown herself very level headed in this kind of situation in the past...when she threw water in Stak's face and when she took out Ariel during her kidnapping. It would be OC for her if she acted less competent now.

  17. Good memory on you and good points all around.


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