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Being Human - Episode 4.01 - Old Dog, New Tricks - Promotional Photos

8 Oct 2013

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  1. Belizo JĂșnior8 October 2013 at 02:53

    what is happening in there??

  2. DEAR LORD... WITWER!!!!!, hehehe why is Sally about to be hung??, and why does Josh look like a castaway??, anyway... I'm happy to see something about this show again!!.

  3. everything, looks so dang... Random but I cant wait....How did Sally get in that situation after she was swallowed up in the Ground??? 3 months away!!

  4. where is Aidan wife, or wife descendent, or something. if they are not gonna pair him with Sally, I need her. and oh shit we still got to deal with what happened to Sally near the end.

  5. Aww Sally/Aidan i love them so. AWW! Poor Josh! : (


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