Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon White Collar - Episode 5.01 - 5.02 - Synopsis

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White Collar - Episode 5.01 - 5.02 - Synopsis

24 Sept 2013

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Episode 5.01 - At What Price
Peter faces charges for the murder of Senator Pratt; Neal tries to clear Peter's name.

Episode 5.02 - Out of the Frying Pan
Peter assigns Neal a new handler; Neal's loyalties are tested when an investigation may lead to Mozzie.

Source: SpoilerTV


  1. Guess that means Peter is out of prison in episode two...and he assigns Neal a handler? Does that mean that he leads the White Collar now? This would be strange....

  2. My guess is Peter might be out only on probation and not yet back at his old job. I like when Neal's allegiance to Mozzie is tested. Not that it's not been done before but it's always fun to see Neal conning his way towards having his cake and eating it too!


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