Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon The Vampire Diaries - Season 5 - Cast Interview with MTV's 10 on Top [VIDEO]

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The Vampire Diaries - Season 5 - Cast Interview with MTV's 10 on Top [VIDEO]

10 Sept 2013

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  1. Jeremy can drop dead tbh i preffer Bonnie instead of him

  2. Their status on the show isn't an either-or situation so that doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

  3. I personally love Jeremy and am so glad he is back this season.

  4. " ...and Bonnie pretty much sacrifices herself to save me." No, just no.

    Bonnie didn't die because she sacrificed herself, she died because she
    was stubborn and arrogant and careless with her magic and thought she could just perform another spell to bring her boyfriend back from the dead. She had it
    coming. She will most likely somehow come back to life at some point in S5 and I can only
    hope that she learned her lesson this time.


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