Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Haven - Episode 4.03 - Bad Blood - Sneak Peek

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SpoilerTV - TV Spoilers

Haven - Episode 4.03 - Bad Blood - Sneak Peek

26 Sept 2013

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  1. For a second there I thought Dwight started sniffing around the room at 00:29.

  2. Not available for the UK i think - if anyone finds a region-free version shout!

  3. Get Media Hint! It allows you to watch region blocked videos. :)

  4. You star! Works perfectly, thanks. Wonder how long it will last, ha. :D

  5. Haaa so true. There was a distinctly audible sniffing sound as he got close to the shower door!

  6. This season I;m really finding Jordan and Dwight annoy, individually and even more so when they share a scene together. Please get Audrey back so the show can go back to its core characters, Audrey, Nathan and Duke which has work amazing together.

  7. Still no region free version? Couldn't find the sneak peek on YT either. I had one of those apps to block your location once, but then weird things started happening on my computer so I don't trust those things anymore.

  8. I'm probably the only one that agrees with you on this. I actually was ok with Dwight as a recurring guest star. What I don't like, and I'm sure can't really be helped, considering the current storyline, is how Nathan and Duke's interactions with Audrey, and with each other, are somewhat being replaced now with their interactions with that new sheriff, played by the recurring, and now probably series regular, wrestler. That dude acts like he's the main star when he's onscreen, which isn't necessarily a good thing when he's really the B team imo. It makes it seem like he's a screen hog. I know I'll probably get flamed for this, or at least ignored, but it's not like I don't like him. I was okay with him as a recurring. I'm just not cool with so much screen time being given to him, or to Jordan.

    As for other newbies like Duke's brother? I don't like him. I don't think I've liked any of the Crockers, aside from Duke. I'll survive Duke's brother until they finally write him out. I really like Jennifer though. I just hope once Audrey/Lexie makes it back to Haven, the main group of Audrey, Nathan, Duke is seen onscreen, interacting more again. Although, more Duke and Jennifer is okay with me still.

  9. I agree that Jennifer is great shes the only good change this season. I hope her and Duke become a thing not that I don't like Audrey and Duke just that it would end the love triangle because its clear Nathan is always going to love Audrey.


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