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Dexter - Episode 8.12 - Remember the Monsters? (Series Finale) - Promo & Sneak Peeks

16 Sept 2013

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  1. l LOVE the Promo because there is not much Hannah in it which can only have two reasons:

    1. There is not much Hannah in the finale

    2. Hannah will be showed as the bad person she is in the finale.

    At least I'm sure that both things will happen. Would have been
    better for Hannah to be just for one minute in the finale episode
    because in the third minute Dex will finish her.

  2. Please let Deb live...

  3. Will you just get over the Hannah stuff already.

  4. Here hoping it doesn't ruin the series like the rest of this season has.

  5. Right there with you but idk we can only hope that the spoilers were wrong....

  6. god dam prophesies are coming true!!!

  7. I dont buy the " I dont need to kill anymore", he's been through this several time, thinking he didnt need to kill, that he just killed because he wanted to and I think he's fooling himself if he thinks Hannah brought him to the light...God I hope the spoilers aren't true, that Deb doesn't die, she didnt seem that bad in the ambulance...

  8. For Promo:Looks like I see "so and so's" weapon of choice, which might add something interesting to the potential spin off...

    For sp1: If only you really knew, Elway!

    For sp2: At least Quinn is with her, but little tad bits of back story are starting to come out...

  9. I do. He's paralleling Lumen, as Hannah is his salvation. (Hurricane Laura is a metaphor for cycles changing) This season has been highlighting parental figures and children and how they can transform each other...

  10. Yes, I do see the point I just don't buy it. Dexter is dexter, even if he didn't kill him(which happened before, it's not like he was never able to refrain from killing) he's still a killer and I think he's deluding himself into thinking that just because at the moment he feels the urge to be with Hannah is more powerful than the need to kill, that he's done with his dark passenger. He will always be a killer, and I bet he's gonna continue to kill in argentina.
    What I dont like with this show is that they always repeat the same cycle : dexter trusts someone with his secret, ends up having to kill the person/dexter thinks he can live without the code, ends up regretting it/dexter thinks he can stop kiling, ends up realizing he can't, that it's a need but also that he likes it, it goes on and on, they repeated the same things over and over...

  11. Or three: They're letting Dex and Deb have more screen time, because one way or another they ARE parting ways (as they are the series long haul central characters. So why wouldn't they take more precedence now?). And they have been bringing Quinn more into 'the fold'....

    -Hannah might be the last person along with Dexter and Harrison we see.
    The Reddit spoilers said they would go to hospital, but those happen to match the last batch relating to Quinn...I have never seen spoilers that point to Hannah as the last villain, especially since, if that were to happen at this point, I don't see any incentive for her to do such a thing, unless someone turns her in, or unless someone has a gun to her head.

  12. Dexter never had to really kill. That is why the series chose the "voice over" from the get go, because he has always asked himself existential questions, that most psychopaths/sociopaths do not ask, proving he was never really one to begin with, but more over Harry's guilt of not saving Laura Moser transferred onto Dexter at a young age and Dexter subconsciously then used "Deb" (As Doctor Vogel suggested earlier in the season), as his excuse to kill and avenge his mother by Innately protecting Deb, as this was also Harry's goal until it wasn't.

    The show has always had something 'far-fetched' in terms of the way 'reality' works out for Dexter, but it also is what makes it extra intriging for me, because there is an element of Fate playing a role.

    Dexter's "trust" is what makes him human. It's what makes humanity flawed. And at times it is what makes any of us "unique" and "beautiful". This is the first time were he seems "openly" if the spoilers are right, then another transformation, which no doubt will lead to the spin off, will occur in this last hour....

  13. It's the same and it's not. Dexter didn't kill trinity "soon enough". not that he didn't kill him. And in seasons 1-3 others have reached out to Dexter, and in season 4, because Dexter was opening to Rita, he reached out to Trinity because Trinity had a family too. Dexter was trying to make a connection, believing he has to be like Trinity.....

    Here it's semi opposite because Dexter never really wanted to kill Saxon or reach out to him, Dexter was caught in the middle of something already set in motion, because Saxon had set out to do this prior to Dexter's knowledge (similar to Brian in season one, except Dexter is now outside the box looking in). Dexter had to be talked into it by Vogel, but he soon found an emotional connection in her he never expected and then he tried to help her as she continued to help both him and Dexter (and Zack Hamilton), Hannah comes back, Deb is starting to progress minus one minor set back, and he is now being able to see a better future for himself, he's getting acceptance from all the right places and he's realizing he doesn't have to be this person he has talked himself into being....and he wants to give Deb the best going away present he could think of (letting Deb get Saxon her way) and because he is loosing the urge, because he feels for humanity (just like Vogel did) and is trying to let go....

    Dexter is trying to do the right thing, but unfortunately thanks to Deb's one set back (getting Elway and the Marshall involved, which is furthered by Deb telling Quinn, telling Batista that Dexter is leaving) everything gets further screwed up. -It wouldn't had to be like this if Deb wouldn't have gone and told Elway about Hannah...And if Deb would have tried to do something about them, since it was her responsibility and the one thing she has yet to tell Dexter....So this bullet might be a little deserved in the short termed, since it stems from thwarting Dexter's happiness....

  14. Wait did you just say that Deb deserved that bullet because she told her boss that hannah was back in town? And yet you believe that dexter and hannah(the serial killers) deserve an happy ending? Wow, that's weird but I respect your opinion and feelings about this.

  15. To the Deb question: Yes. Because it was out of jealousy that Deb reacted that way. She briefly reset to the old Debra and it set things in motion that didn't have to be set in motion, especially since she changes her mind and viewpoint about it all...

    to the next question: In this case I do. Dexter's whole line of thought has been about the idea that bad things happen to us that are not always our fault. (It's Billy Joel's "We din't start the fire. The world's been burning, since the world's been turning" idea)Dexter never asked to watch his mother be killed in front of him like that, nor did he ask to be adopted and separated from his brother, nor did he ask for the code....all of that was on HARRY. And in the end, Harry abandoned his children because he wasn't strong enough to follow through what he started. -Again it's not fair to either of his children. -If Dr. V might have been in their lives for the long haul, perhaps everyone's outcome would have been different.

    Dexter has been trying to atone all along, which is why he deserves some hope, because we are all flawed and make mistakes, not just Dexter. He had no one really there to guide him until the very end of the series.

    He now believes he is strong enough to move on. He wants to be what Harry never could and for Hannah, she always wanted a family too.

    Dexter never said I want to be a killer, he just believed that he had to, because Harry's guilt and belief that he would be transferred onto to Dexter. it's been clear pretty early on that Dexter has been fighting himself, because he really didn't want to be that person, but he didn't know how to change...

  16. You're right he never wanted this, harry gave him the code but he only gave him the code because he saw the violence in him(the way he killed the neighbors dog etc...Harry didn't make dexter a killer, dexter was born in blood like he once said and that's this trauma that lead him to have those dark thoughts and desire and if Harry had not taught him the code he would have not lived that long without getting caught. It's unfair to say that harry created dexter. Dexter would have been a killer even without harry encouraging him to embrace his cravings to kill.

  17. Sorry but I think that is ridiculous, you're saying people aren't capable of change and It would be the equivalent of Dexter saying "oh well since I'm a killer I'm just gonna go on a rampage a wack as many people as possible". People change all the time whether it be due to age, guilt, having a children, finding a mate, out of fear, or a desire for a new start. I believe its fair to say Dexter is experiencing all of these, he has plenty of motivation to change his lifestyle. Not to say I am necessarily a fan of this evolution for the sake of the show but I don't have a problem buying its possibility.

    I think the biggest mistake Showtime has made was moving the final season's air date up by 3 months. I felt the first 5-6 episodes were good, they left me anticipating each episode. Dex was starting to go crazy without Deb, he found himself losing control and felt tempted to kill someone just because he cut him off in traffic, and it look as if though we might see Dexter spiral out of control. But all that died out as the season turned around and went a totally different direction. I thought the episode were Dexter killed Yates with the help of Deb right after Vogel was able to bring them back together. Somewhere after that the season slowly lost my interest. I love this show and I didn't want to see the final season filled with new small arc sub plots like Masuka's daughter, Quinn's unstable relationship with with Jaime, and Zak's side story that went absolutely nowhere.

    Before this season I thought it was foolish for the cast and writers to end the show but now I completely understand why they wanted set the end game as a part of last season. Its apparent the writers either didn't have the necessary time to write the season to the caliber weve come to expect or they have lost interest in the series and are ready to move on.

    I still am crossing my fingers the show goes out with a bang but with only 60 minutes left I have a feeling I will be disappointing and by the previews it looks like they jammed everything great about this season into one episode!

  18. The first thing you learn about serial killers when you're a cop is that they don't stop unless they die, are caught or are wounded and physically incapable of killing. A drug user, a alcoholic or even a wife beater can change but not a serial killer like dexter who has so many rituals linked to his kills. He is and will always be a killer, he can not change that.

  19. I don't think it's "so and so's" weapon. The whole "needle underneath the table" spoiler is wrong. That's probably Hannah in the promo hitting Elway in the leg on the bus. I don't think the spoilers are right. Dexter gets into his kill clothes at some point during the episode. Also, what do you think about the fact that he's shown in a holding cell? And in the interrogation room?

    I've also seen speculation that bodies will wash up on shore because of the hurricane and people will be afraid the BHB is still out there. I personally think it's BS, but if it's true then the writers completely dropped the ball, because in season 2 he changed his dumping ground so that the bodies would get picked up by the gulf stream.

  20. Gotcha, I misinterpreted your viewpoint. I personally would like to leave Dexter with some sort of happy ending. I agree the whole Argentina thing with Hannah is unsatisfying for some reason but if things end happy for Dexter I really don't see any other way.

  21. Just doubled checked the other promo with Ray Donovan, and it is DEFINITELY Hannah jabbing Elway with a needle on the bus. It matches elway's clothing completely.

    Also, what's up with the hole in Dex's shirt?

  22. Good catch! -And good question. I have no idea about his shirt!

  23. But many are starting to feel differently about that, because some people believe that people with mental illness don't belong in jails. but not are [serial] killers are mentally ill and so it's VERY complicated to throw all criminals in the same tent, especially when somebody didn't make the choice to kill or become a killer, much like addicts brains eventually can become neurologically rewired (which so far they believe can not be reset) and those who have that happen will always have a harder time breaking addiction and becoming an addict again and again, then someone who has not crossed that threshold. If we really care about people, then we have to care about what is happening to them, even when we do things we don't like and are very afraid of.

  24. I rewatched this promo, but when I commented I assumed it was the same as the one last night, but this cuts it off too fast. Last night I swear after we see the Dexter logo towards the end of the promo it flashed to a curved/hook-like weapon (similar to Drogo's in a Game of Thrones) that falls to the floor....

    I'm going to go see if I can find another version or if I'm going insane :)

    I too thought maybe the bodies might wash up on shore.

  25. that was the scene from season 5 eps 5 when dexter tries to kill Boyd's former partner in prison

  26. Or maybe Dex tries to kill Saxon(not in a killroom more in the heat of the moment) and gets interrupted by Angel(and Quinn). (Angel says 'Drop it!' ) And that's why there is a hole(or gunshot wound?) in his shirt.

  27. I'm absolutely fu*%ing gutted about Deb. I hope they let her live and be happy.

  28. Really!?! I totally don't remember that. Thanks for letting me know. :)

  29. But seeing past it and being able to change are two different things. Seeing is the first step, but the process of change is hard, especially when you keep loosing hope..

  30. LOL! That would be sweet! :)


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