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Blue Bloods - Episode 4.02 - The City That Never Sleeps - Promo

28 Sept 2013

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  1. nice man! ITS LIKE YOU READ MY MIND!
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  2. bring back more of Jaime like in season 2

  3. Couldn't agree more, since season 3 it became more of like a Danny Regan show not Blue Bloods and I'm sick and tired of it!!!! The show has an awesome cast why the hell they focus on just one character is beyond me!!!! And my personal opinion is that Donnie Whalberg aka Danny Regan is ANNOYING!!!!

  4. I love Danny Reagan, I think he makes the show. Bring it on!!!
    Jamie gets his airtime but until he has cases, there is not much they can do with his character, maybe in a year or two when he is a seasoned cop they can expand. But for now I am more than happy with Donnie AKA Danny


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