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POLL : What did you think of Graceland - King's Castle?

23 Aug 2013

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  1. Mike, what the fuck is wrong with you? Why would you tell Briggs? You are the worst undercover agent ever, I swear.

    I loved this episode, though, and ugh at another break.

  2. I can't... WTH I love all the grit this show really is a hit and they seem to be doing everything perfectly. Especially glad that Charlie seemed to not completely trust the federale/Jangles because I think she knows for sure it's Briggs.

  3. Mike is back on Paige's good side I think, that didn't take long. I guess they wanted will they/wont they right back. Mike's issue now is Briggs is a whole lot more dangerous than Paige

  4. Ye because he shared with her everything. That's what she wanted I think, for him to be completely honest with her. And I have feeling will they/won't they will either be dragged out for 2 more seasons or it will be resolved in the finale or the penultimate episode.

  5. One of the better episodes. I started to like Mike a bit early on this episode but Mike ruined it again. I don't like Johnny anymore. Mike's new handler is worse than Juan.

  6. I love Johnny! He is the only person is that entire house who is honest. Johnny is also trying to make Graceland a safe haven for everyone away from the degradation they are forced to live while undercover. I also love Charlie, but she needs to check herself because her quest for Oden is making her obsessed and careless. I hope her blind eye to Jangles doesn't get her killed. Jake is the one I don't like anymore. The way he treated Johnny was inexcusable. Jake made the decision to leave his family. He needs to man up and accept the consequences of that decision or change his life so he can be with his family.

  7. johnny is so sweet. that scene with him and jake was so intense. johnny cares so much about every1 and they treat him like crap. i also like that mike has paige to talk to and be completely honest

  8. My Heart's Mirror25 August 2013 at 21:46

    I wouldn't be surprised if Charlie knew that Rafael = Jangles, but she wants to catch Odin so badly, she's willingly joining forces with the enemy. And her obsession makes her feel like she has everything under control, and it's all about killing two birds with one stone. While, in fact, she's very much in danger.

  9. I know I'm super worried about Charlie. I hope she keeps her head on straight and catches Jangles!


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