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SpoilerTV - TV Spoilers

Once Upon a Time - Season 2 - Deleted Scene 3

13 Aug 2013

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Thanks to Samy for the heads up.

Source: USA Today


  1. The first scene that i'm glad they deleted. I liked Hook's reaction better on the show seeing him care about Neil was nice

  2. Cool scene,but I get why the deleted it.Hook's conversation with Emma at the diner serves the same purpose,I guess,and it was more emotional because we'd already scene some of the flashbacks and we knew his connection with Baelfire.
    I still don't get how he made the connection from Bae to Neal but from this I assume he was informed at some point.

  3. Yeah, there's maybe another deleted scene where Hook is told that Neal is Baelfire.

  4. Not a huge loss. Colin/Hook is like the only bright spot here, because anything that adds screentime to Tamara and Greg!Owen was a waste of time.


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