Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Hawaii Five-0 - Season 4 - Episode 4.07 spoilers + big news Monday

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Hawaii Five-0 - Season 4 - Episode 4.07 spoilers + big news Monday

17 Aug 2013

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  1. He said the big news isn't about Melanie Griffith, so I'm intrigued now. Can't wait to find out!

    And the boys taking care of a baby is going to be awesome.

  2. Three men and a baby...

    Lenkov is getting into the buzz business to i see..

  3. Hope it's not bad news (ie Grace Park leaving)

  4. I don't think he'd be hyping it up like this if it was bad news.

  5. maybe Hawaii Five O is getting renewed for a fifth season

  6. I considered that, but I think it's too early for a renewal.

  7. hey, you never know. weirder things have happened.

  8. Out of the tweets i find interesting is the last one lol

    #H50 news is brought to you by #HawaiiFiveO

  9. POI did a two men and a baby episode in season 1. Hopefully this will be just as good, if not better.

  10. With Danny's and Steve's banter on how to change a diaper,feed and burp an infant i'm sure it will be a fun episode!

  11. Danny will have zero problems with taking care of a baby... Steve and Chin on the other hand...

  12. camo diaper is needed

  13. Ahahah taking care of the baby will be hillarious, this is where I think the show excels

  14. This is the "BIG News":

  15. Here is the "big news":

  16. Oh. That is not what I expected or wanted. Thanks for the link!

  17. Not surprised to hear that's the news after learning about Nick Jonas' guest spot. Kind of a confusing move though. They're popularity has kind of dried up as far as I know. And this doesn't score any points with me as I'm a big hard rock fan (listening to Avenged Sevenfold's new album Hail to the King right now). I do hope H50 does better this next season, although Friday night isn't the best time slot to hope for that.


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