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USD POLL : Who is your favourite Doctor and Companion from Doctor Who The 2005 Series?

2 Jul 2013

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Today's User Submitted Daily (USD) Poll was submitted by @DylanJames18 who was picked randomly from our Poll Submissions (see below).

Let us know in the comments what you voted for and why?

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You can see all the previous User Submitted Polls here.

You can vote for 2 Options, 1 for the Doctor and 1 for a Companion.


  1. David Tennant & Billie Piper!

  2. Tennant and Tate. You never forget your first.

  3. Justyna Kubica2 July 2013 at 12:15

    Definitely David Tennant (though I adore the other two) but I'm not sure about the companion... Billie or Catherine or Karen.

  4. Panos Nestoras2 July 2013 at 12:57

    Easily David Tennant. Choosing one companion is very hard because all but Freema Agyeman were awesome... I guess it's gonna have to be either Billie Piper or Karen Gillian...

  5. David Tennant and Catherine Tate. Although they have been very lucky/solid in casting, making me not hate any of the main cast; which is very rare for me

  6. the Doctor Donna - Tennant and tate all the way!

  7. Its so difficult between 10th and 11th. I think my favourite is Matt Smith, and companion... Billie Piper, followed by Karen Gillian :)

  8. Christopher Eccleston and Catherine Tate

  9. Christopher Eccleston and Catherine Tate would have loved to have seen them on screen together.

  10. Aurore Mallier2 July 2013 at 16:40

    I love Catherine Tate she was an amazing companion, my favorite definitely (with Martha). I never really understood the popularity of Rose. (>_>), I hate her I think she's so useless but hey, it's only my opinion ^^.
    For the Doctors I really like averyone of them. Christopher Eccleston didn't stay enough it's too bad because he was very cool too! And I voted for David Tennant because I couldn't really choose between him and Matt Smith..:D

  11. InvestedInYourFuture2 July 2013 at 17:32

    David Tenant and Karen Gillan(the only actor I could stand in moffat's run).

  12. MrBuffySummers2 July 2013 at 18:03

    David Tennant forever and ever and Jenna Louise Coleman because she's Impossibly amazing!

  13. Kaalyn Johnson2 July 2013 at 19:24

    There is not one Doctor or companion - or Doctor and Companion pairing I dislike on that list.

    I love this show's casting department.

  14. David Tennant and Billie Piper, although Christopher Eccleston and Karen Gillan came respectively close seconds.

  15. antonio dueƱas3 July 2013 at 06:11

    No doubt,Smith and Gillan.He's the funniest and she is the the toughest,smartest and prettiest.

  16. Dorothy "Ace" (Sophie Aldred)!

  17. I wouldn't say I hate Rose, but I definitely grew to dislike her during the second series. She was okay when she returned in the series four finale eps. I'm in the minority because I hated the Tenth Doctor. Nothing against Tennant, but Ten ... UGH.

  18. The 10th doctor by far. Tennant was perfect. Companion is harder to pick. I'm leaning towards Gillan though.

  19. Matt and Alex! = 11th and River Song!

  20. Ereth Reetnith4 July 2013 at 21:45

    where's jack?

  21. I Don't Technically Think That Jack Was A Companion

  22. David Tennant and for the companion, either Billie Piper or Karen Gillian. I've vote Billie.

  23. I'm watching Doctor Who right now, and I absolutely LOVED Rose. I voted for Tennant and Piper, but Tate was amazing as well. Eccleston was meh, but Agyeman was terrible. Only just finished season 4, but Piper, Tennant, and Tate were all fantastic.

  24. Damon Salvatore26 July 2013 at 10:03

    David Tennant (he is a brilliant) and Billie Piper (most of all companion meant for the doctor).

  25. Definitely David Tennant and Catherine Tate - but I liked Martha, I think in many ways she got a raw deal, Rose was ok but better with Chris. I can not stand Karen, her Amy was a spoiled, selfish brat. Arthur's Rory was never treated right by Moffat's writing or Amy. And Matt's Doctor was too childish for my taste.


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