Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon USD POLL : Which ended shows would be a big hit/must see at Comic Con had it started in the 90's onwards?

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USD POLL : Which ended shows would be a big hit/must see at Comic Con had it started in the 90's onwards?

4 Jul 2013

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Today's User Submitted Daily (USD) Poll was submitted by Jean who was picked randomly from our Poll Submissions (see below).

Let us know in the comments what you voted for and why?

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You can vote for 4 Options.


  1. Other - Twin Peaks!

  2. I went with Buffy, Angel, Friends and Dawson´s Creek.

  3. Maruschka van Veen4 July 2013 at 11:37

    Roswell, Dark Angel, Dawson's Creek & Buffy

  4. Buffy, and it's not even close.

  5. Buffy, Angel, and Roswell.

  6. X-Files, Seinfeld, Firefly.

    Other- Northern Exposure and Farscape.

  7. Patrick Maloney4 July 2013 at 13:29

    Friends, really?!

  8. Panos Nestoras4 July 2013 at 13:36

    Buffy, Angel, Firefly and X-Files..

  9. Fireflies, X-Files, Buffy, and Twin Peaks !

  10. Oh yes, Northern Exposure. I loved that show.

  11. Firefly was over too soon to have been ever considered for Comic Con had it been an option at the time, so I went for long running TV options; X-Files, Buffy & Angel

  12. Firefly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. *bows* Twin Peaks would have ruled ComicCon

  14. Don't know Northern Exposure and Farscape, but agree on X-Files, Seinfeld and the mighty Firefly.

  15. Yes, it would. It has everything a ComicCon show should have. Wish we had internet back in the Twin Peaks days. It would have been so awesome to disqus that show with fellow fans right after an episode aired.

  16. Robert O'Donnell4 July 2013 at 16:25

    Comic Con was very much in operation during the 90's, it just wasn't as huge as it is now.

  17. Twin Peaks and X-Files were perfect shows for Comic Con! (and still my favorite shows)

  18. And, correct me if I'm wrong, but in the time when Comic Con wasn't this mainstream weren't most of these shows quite popular there anyway?

  19. charmed, buffy the vampire slayer, angel, firefly, the x files, dark angel. xena.

  20. XFiles, Buffy, Angel, Xena would have been the biggest I think, they all had very active fandoms during their runs. Firefly though huge now was less known when it aired, it became a much bigger thing via DVDs

  21. Buffy, Angel, Xfiles and Firefly for sure

  22. I have been trying to get the Canadian dvr series collection. From what i've been reading about the U.S. version the original music was not included.People said except for season one they were in such a rush to get them out they used elevator music and not every episode is a complete episode...

  23. X-Files, Charmed, Xena, Buffy, Angel, Firefly, and Roswell all seem tailor made for Com-Con. I also think Dark Angel would have been a hit for the Jessica Alba factor.

  24. Farscape was awesome if you like actual alien sci fi.

  25. You missed out on 2 every good shows. I know Netflix has both,Northern Exposure by mail but Farscape you can Stream.

  26. Buffy, Angel, Charmed, and the X-Files I imagine would have been hits.

  27. X-Files, Firefly, Dark Angel and Other: Twin Peaks.

    Twin Peaks is the only tv show that comes close to my devotion to Lost.

  28. Now I am curious. I'll put them in my vacation "check it out" list :)

  29. BtVS, Angel, Firefly and Xena.

  30. I really wanted to say all. I voted Buffy, Charmed, Xena and X-files. But Angel, Firefly and Dark Angel would be hits too in my opinion.

  31. Dark Angel, Buffy, Dawson's and X-Files

  32. Not enough boxes allowed!

    X-Files, Firefly, Buffy and Lois and Clark.

    but I would have added: Roswell

  33. Yes! I'm totally with you there.

  34. X-Files, Xena, Charmed, Roswell, Sabrina

  35. Charmed, Buffy, Friends and Xena

  36. Freedom Streaming10 May 2015 at 11:03

    Dark Angel is the best show that ever existed

    ........Bring? back Dark Angel!!!!
    Dark Angel forever
    Ich werde nicht aufgeben


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