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USD POLL : Have you ever Boycotted a TV show over a Anti-Ship of yours in a TV shows?

21 Jul 2013

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Today's User Submitted Daily (USD) Poll was submitted by Chairville944 who was picked randomly from our Poll Submissions (see below).

Let us know in the comments what you voted for and why?

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  1. I never boycotted a TV show, but still, I didn't fully understand the question. what does "anti-ship of yours" mean?

  2. I assumed it meant if a couple gets together that you really don't want to get to get together, probably especially in the case of someone choosing the 'wrong' person in a love triangle or something. :)

  3. Wow, I would never have guessed that, thanks a lot!

  4. I have never actively boycotted any show over a stupid pairing I disagreed within the show. If I was wanting to watch it before the ship I can always find something still interesting after the ship.

  5. Nope and I find it a bit silly if people do, ships are fun but in the end the over all storyline and characters are more important to me than who ends up with one and other.

  6. Not really. I boycotted some shows but not because of a ship. I don't really care much about ships. I've boycotted some shows because of the annoying characters and the storylines have become really lame.

  7. I've never boycotted a show per say (especially for that reason), and I never will.

  8. No. If the show is my favourite I won't give up on it because a pair I like or don't like do or don't get together. Shows are made up of many characters. "Ships" are best left for soap operas anyway.

  9. I will stop watching a show (Scandal) if the couple has too much back and forth nonsense. Sorry, wouldn't put up with it in life, can't sit for an hour and watch it on tv.

  10. No, I just stop watching a show when characters become boring or annoying, Bones, Rizzoli & Isles, Memphis Beat, Psych, or I feel like I just don't care what happens to any of them, Secret Circle, Graceland.

  11. Like which shows?

  12. There's TVD, The Walking Dead, Arrow, OUAT.

  13. Really people boycott shows because of the relationships their characters are in? Wow.

  14. No, but I've boycotted SyFy after they've cancelled all of their shows that I actually watch: SGU, Eureka, Sanctuary and now Warehouse 13. The only show of theirs I will continue to watch is Face/Off, but I'll use alternate methods to watch that, as well as the rest of W13. And, of course, those incredibly stupid tv movies they continue to make certainly don't help.

  15. I have boycotted shows because an actor has done something disgraceful publicly.

  16. No, because I usually like characters not pairings and even if once in a blue moon I ship, it never works out, so I just get used to.

  17. If the ship takes over too much of the story then I have stopped watching, Bones, Castle and Psych spring to mind. I get very irritated by the will they/won't they crap that comes with it sometimes and if that gets in the way of the positive things I enjoy about a show then I get bored of it. If the 'ship' (a term I dislike hugely) doesn't take over then I carry on watching.

  18. Yes because the ship was awful and so was the show (chair and gossip girl)

  19. I never could get into that show, but I certainly understand how you feel.

  20. I just don't their reasoning for cancelling so many shows

  21. Money, pure and simple, if the show does not have the target demo the advertisers dries up.

  22. Justyna Kubica21 July 2013 at 15:41

    You really stopped watching PSYCH because of THAT? I'm sorry, I'm just really, really surprised!

  23. Not just for that, it's a pale imitation of what it used to be for me, but yeah the Jules/Shawn thing really got on my ****. My mates got me to watch for much longer than I would have if it was left to me, it still has moments but there's too many shows on my list as it is so stuff like this makes it easier to trim it down :(

  24. It's unlikely in less romance is a central part to the story and/or the main action plot becomes sucky. But if it's the core then yes, if the couple I don't like end up together at the end (I'd watch until the very last episode).

    I've never boycotted during a show, only after the last episode airs. I'm a glass half full like that, always hoping until the end.

    Once a show changed relationships in its last season (plus the general storyline was crappy) so after the series ended I "forgot" about the last season and only watched the previous seasons on repeat.

  25. I've never boycotted a show. I've stopped watching because it doesn't interest me. I've stopped and come back because I've heard something that makes me think I will like it again, but I've never boycotted a show. Now if they decide to focus on couple I don't like, a lot of times that means the show as a whole is going in a direction that I don't want to see but not because of the couple itself.

  26. I've never seen Twisted, but it's a little unfair to the show to quit because of its fans, don't you think? If you really like the show just don't go online for it. Fans can't talk through the TV.

  27. I have once over a an annoying character being a creators pet. And butting himself into relationships that I loved that were none of his business.

  28. I'll be flagged down but I could care less, tvd and the character klaus

  29. Oh, Jesus.

  30. I've slowly lost interest in shows when a relationship I'm not interested in takes up too much screen time. And I've stopped watching if they change the characters or history to make a relationship fit that didn't fit before. But not a temper tantrum-y "boycott" of a show. I missed a lot of Castle this year because I got sick of them making all the storylines about bumbling Castle doesn't know how to be in a relationship crap--it grated--and it made me really dislike Beckett. And it is possible that I won't ever catch back up. But I didn't boycott, I just stopped liking the story and characters that they started telling. I walked out on Buffy for a while over Spike, it was just a rework and an awful attempt to copy Angel, when I vastly preferred the original. But I came back.

    So yeah, relationships or bad time-consuming character changing plots can totally make me walk away. I think the biggest thing is unlike a villain plot or something, relationship storylines tend to impact how you view who the characters are.

  31. The only original I like is Elijah and am very glad they are leaving TVD. Never been a Klaus fan.

  32. "Reality" tv is cheaper than scripted, so the majority of their upcoming series' are going to be stupid "reality" shows. Eventually, they will air nothing but those and shitty movies with terrible acting and absurd plots that make Eureka look more real and relatable than the aforementioned "reality" shows. I fear this plague of dumbed-down television, or DDT has already begun to spread to their sister channel, The USA Network. Sadly, the future of quality television remains, like the cause of this devastating dumbification, unknown.

  33. I fear that Lost Girl season4 will be the last season on SyFy channel! Season3 finale drew 824,000 viewers on SyFy channel versus the previous seasons averaging 1.25 million viewers. I know this point is off topic, but nonetheless valid in this discussion. 4 THE PALMERIST/SOLOIST, I am Nobody!!!

  34. I miss SGU. :(

  35. Hmm yeah I could understand why that would annoy you. I don't mind per se, but it does get tiring sometimes and it doesn't feel natural.

    To be honest I never watched Psych, don't know if it's any good but it has Dule Hill! :)

  36. No, as long as the other storylines are good. However, in this day and age most shows revolve around the ships. And when these shows don't have particularly stellar writing to begin with, having someone come out and sink your ship becomes another reason to stop watching the show.

  37. I have not boycotted a show because someone picked the "wrong" choice in a love triangle, but I have indeed boycotted shows when they bring freaking love triangles in to a previously good show. I have also boycotted shows that formerly were about cases or whatever and then suddenly shift to become all about the shipping. Sometimes even if the fandom becomes all about shipping it is enough for me to drop a show. I don't have a lot of extra time so shows about shipping are the very first to go.

  38. It all depends on whether the ship takes over the show for me. Some crime procedurals I watched became all about appeasing shipping fans that they no longer resembled the show I first started with and therefore became unwatchable.

  39. "Ships" are best left for soap operas anyway."

    I could not agree with you more. Some people talk about the Moonlighting curse but really it seems that shows do not seem to be capable of putting people together without sacrificing the story or making everything about the pairing.

  40. This is exactly how I feel. I too dropped Bones and Castle because everything became about the will they/won't they, which was dragged out so long that I didn't care by the time they actually did. Will they/won't they is an overused form of dramatic tension that is no longer dramatic or tense, just irritating. Shipping for me tends to get in the way of good shows. I also dump a show as soon as the shipping takes over.

  41. I typically never boycott networks, but once they cancel all the shows I like I rarely know about their new shows or I forget about them more quickly, which has the same effect. There are far too many shows on TV for me to search out ones on networks I rarely watch.

  42. Lost Girl is a Canadian show so SyFy can't cancel it.

  43. Aw, USA Network has a lot of shows I love. I am hoping this Summer Camp thing is a wash and they can ditch any further idiocies like it in the future.

  44. I have boycotted movies because I can't stand the actor in it as a person. That has rarely happened in TV shows though so far, thankfully. I completely understand NOT wanting to support a particular person's career though.

  45. I'm not trying to be "Snarky" so don't take this that way, but read the first sentence of my reply one more time and what I said should be clear(er). 4 A SOCIAL MEDIA EXPERIENCE, I remain Nobody!!!

  46. " I think the biggest thing is, unlike a villain plot or something, relationship storylines tend to impact how you view who the characters are."

    You make a very good point. It tends when TV goes from a story-based plot to a shipping-based plot, the characters suddenly get stupid or irritating for no good reason. The formerly smart lead becomes stupid, insecure, or harping, ruining a formerly great character. I hate when characters that were formerly strong get defined by the relationship and suddenly become less than they were - both male and female. I do disagree that boycotting a show is throwing a temper tantrum though. For me boycotting means not watching because you don't like where the show is going but being open to coming back if it changes course.

  47. That is true, I tend to stay away from those kind of shows to begin with because years of will they won't they is really boring to me.

  48. No, I am sometimes shocked when I see people taking a ship in a show so seriously.

  49. There should be an option for "Hell no!"

  50. I don't know about "Boycotting", but if my favorite actor/actress leaves a series then I'm done! Example when Terry Ferrell (Dax) from ST - Deep Space 9 died I was finished with DS9! A more current example would be Lost Girl and Dr. Lauren Lewis played by Zoie Palmer (in case you haven't heard I'm a Passionate Enthusiast for Zoie Palmer's talent/career - LOL). Zoie's scenes are great to say the least, especially with Anna Silk and Ksenia Solo! If Zoie Palmer leaves Lost Girl then I'm out............sorry Lost Girl! 4 THE PALMERIST/SOLOIST, I will be Nobody!!!

  51. No. While I do like to ship, that's very rarely the most interesting thing on a show; most shows are good enough (or at least I like them enough, which isn't always the same thing), that there's always something else to keep me interested. If I really despise a couple, which I don't all that often, I can always fastforward through their scenes. Like most other people, I don't much like when a show becomes all about a ship or ships to the detriment of the rest of the show, whether I liked the couple to start off with or not. Which is all a long way, I suppose, to say, "Not if the rest of the show is still good."

    Also, I've stopped watching shows for a number of reasons (bad plots, repetitive complications, phoned-in acting, etc.), but I wouldn't say I've "boycotted" them. For example, I stopped watching Glee early in season two, but came back to it last year because I wanted to see what Rachel and Kurt living in New York looked like; I wandered away from Bones when Zack left, came back with the Gravedigger, and then slowly trailed off again last season. I stop watching a show when it stops being interesting to me, but I can be persuaded back if something changes and it appeals to me again.

    So no, I don't boycott shows, and I don't stop watching them because of couples I don't like.

  52. "Reality TV" is fiction for sure.

  53. Why? They can't stop airing it? Just curious.

  54. Me too, Suits, White Collar, Necessary Roughness, Covert Affairs, Burn Notice, Royal Pains. Stopped watching Psych, don't like shows with grown men that act like 12 year olds. Could not get into Graceland enough to even care what happens to any of them.

  55. Kathleen Kervin21 July 2013 at 20:14

    Yes, although it's not so much boycotted as stopped watching because I wasn't interested any more.

    When they sidelined Cameron on House and started up Huddy, I stopped watching because the only character left on the show that I cared about was Wilson and all he did was push House and Cuddy at each other. (It also made him look really stupid because that relationship was doomed to fail given the characters' personalities.)

  56. Kathleen Kervin21 July 2013 at 20:18

    I hate the 'will they/won't they' that takes over the show. It's annoying and it makes the characters look stupid because they are too wimpy or scared to act on their feelings.

    The Moonlighting Curse is a myth producers use to justify when they can't do relationships well. In shows like Burn Notice and The Closer, the relationship the lead character has contribute to the show and to character development, and make them better shows.

  57. Castle. I used to find it funny and light mood, but now it's just annoying. I know it has a huge fandom, but I just don't like the new dynamic of the show ever since they brought castle and beckett together. This charismatic and funny main character became a boring, constantly worried, boyfriend. There's just no patience to watch a full episode!

  58. Castle is one that I have dropped too. I have no interest in "Caskett" and quite frankly have always liked Alexis, Esposito, and Ryan to be more interesting than the leads anyway. I will likely catch up on the episodes I've missed when it comes to Netfix, but it is not a high priority right now.

  59. Yes. It makes formerly strong characters into Jell-O of inaction. That's also why I hate love triangles. Who wants to pine away over someone who can't up their own mind? I don't care who they are, they're not worth the trouble if they are playing that passive aggressive game of emotional manipulation. Both jsut make me feel like the character isn't worth the time they are taking with the melodrama.

    I agree that the Moonlighting curse merely means the writers weren't up to the task. I think the Burn Notice and Farscape comparisons are great. Last season was my favorite of Burn Notice because both Fiona and Michael were still the same people, both of them could still kick butt, even if they were together. The season didn't suddenly become all about their relationship and the action was still high action, fast-paced, and explosive (literally). The relationship became just another factor, not THE factor. If all shows could concentrate on the plot even thought they bring the characters together, I think less people like myself would be concerned about shippers gaining in influence over shows. Right now though, "shipper" is like cursing to me.

  60. Psych I watch sporadically. I could never get into Suits. I watched almost the entire first season but still disliked the main characters. I can't watch a show when I don't like the characters. I stopped watching Necessary Roughness last year but have resumed watching this year because I love the changes they made and quite frankly because they sent me the screener and I can't preview something I haven't watched. Still, I think it has improved a lot. As for Covert Affairs, I'm waiting until I am caught up before starting this season. I like it though - not as much as Burn Notice of course but it is good.

    For me, best USA shows go Burn Notice/White Collar (they switch places for me every season), Graceland, NCIS marathons, Covert Affairs, Royal Pains, Necessary Roughness, Psych.....and everything else including movies.

  61. Huddy was awful. At that point I lost interest and stuck around for Chase. HIs arc in the later season was a good one. Wilson as well, when they actually gave him screentime.

  62. Yes SyFy can stop airing it. I just meant they can't out right cancel it because it isn't a show that they produce. It's a Showcase show and they can renew it regardless if Syfy decided to carry it for another season or not. Sorry if I misread your post nobody.

  63. It's all gravy (good), because we reasonable posters can/will always find a way to work it out (lol)! And for the record I would very much like to be wrong about Lost Girl's future on SyFy channel! 4 A SOCIAL MEDIA EXPERIENCE, I remain Nobody!!!

  64. I agree it's the worst when they take a great character and diminish them in a crappy relationship.

    Just to clarify--I was characterizing my view of the word "boycott" in the question as though it was a protest to not getting what you wanted meant to coerce TPTB to changing their minds, rather than simply not watching for while because you were disinterested in the show. I don't inherently think stopping watching a show because you are dissatisfied is throwing a temper tantrum, I think it is perfectly rational behavior. (That frankly I wish I was capable of on a more regular basis, I tend to continue watching for a while getting more and more disappointed and upset). But to say, "I'm boycotting that" feels--to me--like throwing a temper tantrum.

  65. TheFALLOfTheEleventh22 July 2013 at 02:00

    I'm confused. What are ships in relation to tv shows?

  66. Character relation(ships) within a given TV series. It originates from "Soap Operas", but has now jumped to "Prime Time" and "Reality" TV for better or for worst! Please don't ask me how I know this.............(lol)! 4 A SOCIAL MEDIA EXPERIENCE, I will be Nobody!!!

  67. No,but i have stopped reading or posting on certain shows.Some "Shippers" just push it to the limit and beyond that at times it boarders on the ridiculous.

  68. Thanks, Dahne.

  69. I see where you're coming from. Thanks for the clarification. If I've watched the show for awhile, it is hard for me to walk away too. Then I usually give a show 2 seasons of being more frustrating than entertaining before I give it up. I think that's why I don't get very attached to shows in the first season usually. I instinctively want to be able to drop it if it gets disappointing.

  70. I agree, in some discussions I feel that non-shippers are in very few, especially with a ship that will never happen.

  71. I agree,i got tired of Castle being written that way,and even Becketts reaction to him.I'm hoping this season is better for between that and the way the fans talk about it i've just about had it.

  72. You seem surprised by that!

    I don't usually boycott but it has happened. Its like Sandi and Dahne stated,and its tiring watching the will they or won't they.Not only is that frustrating but then you have the fan reactions and the shippers going off and reading more into what isn't there and never will be for the characters were never written to be the way the shippers want.I haven't intentionally even up a show for it but i have stopped reading and posting for certain shows like Castle and OUaT.

  73. So true Dahne!

  74. Yes,with some shows non shippers are definitely the minority..

  75. Ok, here's the thing...this is a POLL. They asked if we'd "boycott" a show based on character shipping. They also asked us to post WHY we would or would not. That is EXACTLY what I did. What I choose to do with regards to watching a television show, is NOT up for discussion. I'm not posting my comment for YOU or anyone else! It's absolutely fair for me to want to see people who look like me on a show that I pay to watch. Yes, I pay my local cable company to view a tier of channels, so I am paying to watch programming. I also have a daughter who I would very much like to see people who look like her on television, books, etc. What is the big deal with having things be diverse?! It is fair for me to stop watching the show based on whatever reason! It would behoove the networks to cater to EVERYONE and not based on what sells. What will happen is, eventually people will watch shows anyway, especially if they are needing the entertainment. If all restaurants around the nation decided they only wanted to sell burgers, we'd be some burger eating fools! People would continue to dine out because often times they do it for convenience, etc. so, if networks got real and made shows filled with actors that look like the the real world, we'd deal with it.

  76. I chose "yes" , though the answer in more complicated.

    I have stopped watching a certain crime TV show years ago, when there were many things happening at same time - changes is main cast/characters, writing "quality", and on top of that two characters, whose chemistry I'd never felt, and who were like family to me, not lovers, were taken on a path towards making them a couple. All those elements together meant I didn't keep watching. And later when the ship was canon, I was never able to watch the scenes when I happened to stumble upon the show on telly, because to me it just felt wrong. But this is the only show where I've felt so drastically. There are other shows though, where I fast-forward through some scenes I prefer not to watch, cause they don't interest me (like scenes of ships I do not like).

    So for me all depends on show, the writing, and if the show is otehrwise good, and if the ship is main ship or side-ship, etc...

  77. I think you somehow misinterpreted CP's comment... I think what he/she is saying is that it IS sad that people are so weirded out by interracial couples and such and you have a right to be upset by that (and frankly, I am too). But maybe the best way to show that YOU are okay with it and don't see anything wrong with interracial couples is to watch shows that have them, instead of boycotting, right? Because it's the fans that are being racist, not the show.

    Also, to be fair, the whole point of comments is usually to generate discussion, don't you think? :)

  78. "No as long as the storylines are good"

    Story overweights shipping.... sometimes they are connected but it's not a rule.
    (and I don't boycott, I simply drop the show.)

  79. You misinterpreted what I wrote. I was agreeing with you that it is sad that people still don't accept others like they should.

  80. You got across exactly what I was trying to say.

  81. I think if the show is intended to be romance shipping is fine. Not all night shows should be just action and that. A variety of shows is best.

    Ex. TVD romance is central, so I think any talk about the romance taking from the show is weird. TVD books were never just about action and family drama. The heart of it to me is still the romance.

  82. My hardcore shipper definition - Anyone who is more involved with/interested in getting two characters romantically involved on a show, movie, or book than they are with the actual plot of the show, movie, or book. It doesn't matter if said characters have ever even talked to each other or have the least interest in each other or would make sense within the canon of the show. Most fan fiction and many fan vids deal with shipping, and often shipping wars tear fandoms apart. Sometimes show runners allow pleasing the shipping segment of a TV show to overrun the plot, which causes the downfall of said show. This is of course only my opinion.

  83. It is hard when every conversation turns into a shipping topic, but worse is when the fandom is split between ships and everything turns into a shipping war. Almost as bad is the non-canon ships that people spend hours trying to convert others into believing are absolutely 100% there, but people just aren't paying attention. Those are sites I quickly leave and never return to. If it isn't directly on screen, it's wishing not canon.

  84. Eidnoreid Pills22 July 2013 at 22:04

    No, as long as the storylines are still interesting enough to keep watching otherwise you can drop the show like I've done with some of them. There's no need for a boycott.

  85. " If it isn't directly on screen, it's wishing not canon."
    Yes! They can ship all they want, but once they made their point, please start talking about other things again. Threads to other fans, actors and producers won't change anything.

  86. Voted "No, as long as the other storylines are good." Honestly though, I think it's ridiculous for someone to quit a show over a couple they dislike getting together (or a couple they like NOT getting together/breaking up). It just goes to show how many viewers are obsessed with romance even when it's not what the show is really about. Unfortunately, it creates a vicious circle where those vocal "shippers" get the producers/writers of the show to believe more romance is what the show needs, and therefore incorporate it more and get the shippers even more fired up. (No offense meant to anyone - I'm commenting on the phenomenon, with no intent to attack someone personally.)

    That being said, I'll admit that since I'm *very* invested in Nikita, I'll be really annoyed if Owen and Alex get together in the final season, as the EP has been vaguely hinting. I believe that "ship" is utterly absurd and was only pursued last season because of their very vocal fans, who shipped them for at least a year before the characters actually met. Again, nothing personal towards anyone, I just hate it as a story idea.

  87. That's fair, I could see how it gets tiring as it doesn't feel that's how normal people would act (for such a long time).

    And yeah, I was surprised by that. Why do people care so much about what relationships their favorite characters are in? I get getting attached to a character for sure, but a relationship? Why? It's a dolled up version of reality, very romanticized and almost nothing like the real thing.

  88. I voted yes, but like somebody before me said, it's more complicated than that. For example, I stopped watching CSI because I thought Sara/Gris completely ruined it for me. I absolutely hated who they became when they were with each other (or when the stories revolved around one or both). I watch shows 99% because of the characters, their relationships, their story, the cases (or whatever the show is about) comes second. If I have to put up with a relationship (be it romance it or not, it's not necessarily "shippy") ruins the enjoyment of a show for me.

    When I watch the show for the cases (or, as I said) the core storyline, the characters coming second, I1m able to enjoy the show regardless of ship. But it's rare.

  89. Joss Whendon's shows are one of the rare that I watch for EVERYTHING, though I have been lucky in regards to "ships". Sort of. When one of them don't die lol

  90. X-Files. After years of Chris Carter saying that he didn't like the idea of arc stories and hadn't focused on the conspiracy episodes connecting with each other in an over all story and his other statements that Scully and Mulder wouldn't hook up. I declared that if they ever slept together I would stop watching the show. They did and I did.

  91. Wow. I'm just amazed at some of these answers...especially the negative reactions given to those that happen to be opposite of the poster.
    INTERPRETATION: Have I ever boycotted (stopped watching) a show solely because of an "anti-ship" position (didn't like having two characters "hook up").
    REASON: Unlike perhaps other viewers, I get vested in the *characters*, more than the show or plot. As such, I find anytime main protagonists in a Character Driven story start a romantic liaison, the dynamics of the entire show change drastically. I usually find the new interactions boring, and stop watching. (Bones and Castle come to mind...)

  92. Shipping the couples are not what brings me to a show.


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