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The Fosters - Season 1 - Maia Mitchell Interview

14 Jul 2013

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TVLINE | What does possibly having Liam back in her life do to Callie?
It forces her to face things that she’s really shut away. She’s just been in survival mode. Everything she does is a survival mechanism. She gets through each day and can only deal with so much. She’s a young girl. Without the support of family and friends, she really had to deal with all of her misfortunes completely on her own. So Liam really forces her to face some big things that she hasn’t worked through and hasn’t really processed properly. She’s holding onto a lot of guilt and anger and upset. She learns that she can’t face those [things in her past] alone and she begins to really open up to the people around her. That’s a huge, huge, huge thing for Callie.

TVLINE | So instead of this threatening her and Jude’s placement, does it make her a little more ingrained in the family?
It does. It really does. She’s always going to be wary of that. I don’t think that you’re going to see Callie completely feel comfortable in that house any time soon. She just can’t get there yet. But it definitely does help her feel closer to the family. The way that they handle it and the way that they support her definitely makes her feel safe on a level that she hasn’t really felt before.

read full interview at TVLine