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POLL : What did you think of Teen Wolf - Motel California?

9 Jul 2013

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  1. Derek love scene, gotta luv it :) I liked some of this ep, and the rest I'm kind of on the fence over. I guess it just felt like a filler ep to me. I don't know. I was glad they showed Gerard at the end. I've been wondering what happened to him. It's definitely a dark ep. I will be rewatching it.

  2. InvestedInYourFuture9 July 2013 at 05:45

    Well this was trippy. And that's something, considering the previous 4 episodes were ALREADY trippy, but this topped that.

    I don't know on if I understand anything on what is going on, but hell on if it is not glorious and mind-bending. Brilliant. I just hope that once this plot ends, I will be able to make at least some semblance of understanding about it. So far all I get is "druid versus werewolves versus alpha pack".

    Love, LOVE that Derek is getting a love interest. Some parts of fandom might be unjustifiably offended at it for some reason, but I welcome it - its nice to see a person who can get him out of that shell he has lurked in so far, with possibility of making him a better person - because let's face it, maybe he's got the power, but as a person, Derek is somewhat lacking in quite a few fields. Having someone OUTSIDE of this whole crazy supernatural wolf thing, someone who understands him(somewhat) is something he sorely needs to develop as a character.

    Intrigued where they are going with Lydia's plotline - it seems to be quite obvious that she is a druid, whose powers are just awakening (possibly triggered either by the age or by Peter's bite, most likely the former since there was foreshadowing that something is up with her even before the whole bite thing happened).

    Really have no idea who Darach might be, but with the possibility that the dark druid is doing this through peers or remotely, and with the return of Grandpa Argent, the range of suspects just grew even wider.

    Overall this was a great and VERY well shot episode(seriously this is exemplary cinematography supernatural shows should strive for instead of taking soap opera approach to filming like certain other shows *cough*vampirediaries*cough*), well acted and well-written episode. As I said before, not sure I understood anything on what happened, but the fact that it still felt glorious is quite a good indication of quality.
    Bravo, show, bravo.

  3. Okay, after rewatching it. Scott had the red eyes for a second again. So, no doubt he'll turn alpha, probably soon. As far as was this a Druid attack, not so sure about that at all. It was definitely someone who knew about wolvesbane and wanted all the werewolves on that bus dead. I don't think it would be the coach because they would be his best players. So it's someone else. And probably someone who may be newer to us.

    Even though they kind of tied the Argents into the hotel, I'm not sure this ep will really be much more than a stand alone ep. We did get to see the demon for just a second through the fire. How that ties in, I don't know.

    Still love the Derek love scene. And I liked that they showed one for Danny and Ethan.

    Will be wondering who put the wolvesbane in the whistle for awhile.

  4. That Danny and Ethan scene was a bit too much for a straight guy like me, no hate tho. just like the first time ive seen some dude get his nipples sucked. which i don't think ive ever seen in a straight couple on non porn shows. anyway mtv has guts i give em that, also great episode. that was some deep stuff at the end. i was a bit glad it was Stiles rather then Allison who got Scott sane. since i don't think Allison should have been able to say the stuff Stiles did based on her current feelings for him.

  5. I have never noticed the tree at the end of the credits before. Hmmmm.

    told you Argent couldn't stay out of it for long.

    This ep added to my theory that Lydia is psychic

    This is freaking creepy. Kudos on setting atmosphere.

    Proof that Lydia is a certified genius….. "bad stuff happening….we need to leave NOW"

    Now we know the secret to werewolf healing. Gotta say, I now get why this woman got the part of the new teacher. She and Tyler have some seriousl chemistry.

    I can't believe they didn't play Hotel California. Is 2 love songs a record for the show?

    I really really need to watch this ep again. But I have to creeped me out. They did an excellent job of setting the atmosphere. Yay to Stiles for making sure he got credit for the save.

    I guess we now know how Ducalion gets away with killing off his own pack members. They don't know.

  6. Indeed. I agree with ya. I think the fact she is a druid is what allowed the events of season 2 for her to happen(her being immune and seeing ghost werewolves and all) I'm not to sure why the Darach is trying to fight a war with a werewolf pack though. They are supposed to be evil right? Let's face it, it's probably Greenberg wanting the spotlight lmao.

  7. InvestedInYourFuture9 July 2013 at 20:05

    Yeah, it kind of explains on how Lydia managed to resurrect Peter - if it was a druid ritual.

    As for Darach - I would not say "evil", as in "let's destroy metropolis". its more of evil "let's sacrifice babies for this power". Goals can vary, its the means that separates a darach form druid.

  8. This one was the best of the season so far for me. I loved the Stiles and Scott scene and am very glad it was Stiles that got through to Scott instead of Allison. It made the scene more poignant. I also loved the pacing much more than last episode and that people finally started taking Lydia seriously. I'm hoping she gets a great plot where she can shine as the smart, gifted women she is as the season progresses. No more Lydia the puppet please. Finally I am very happy that it looks like Argent is going to join the fight against Deucalion. Things go more smoothly when he's in on the planning since he tends to think rationally instead of basing everything on emotion like the others.

  9. Meh...This epsiode seemed to just be setting things up for the rest of the season. Hard for me to get really excited about it. One thing really bothered me, though. They needed a flare that would burn underwater to snap Boyd out of his trance? Really? They couldn't just give him a hot foot? After all, his feet were hanging out of the tub!

  10. There's still one wild card to the notion of Argent handling the planning... Derek. Scott's smart enough to go to Argent for help but, Derek, as proven with the Great Kill Ducalion Plan, is not that smart. :-)

  11. disqus_DWhIOjHoOE11 July 2013 at 05:03

    The episode itself was good, I thought. Team Human were perfect, the end scene was the reason to watch the entire episode to begin with, and the acting for the most part was amazing. The only thing that could have most definitely been left out; Dennifer. So incredibly forced that I along with others were actually cringing. Glad to see Gerard back though. Time to show those Alphas who a real villain is and not a wanna-be!

  12. I agree that Derek will be the sticking point. I am a little concerned that he has seemed to regressed from the progress he made earlier. It would be nice to see them develop Derek's character more.

  13. For me it was why did they use another flare on Isaac when the one they used on Boyd was still there flaming on the floor.

  14. Overall great episode. I really loved it. Minor plot problems could be dismissed because the things that worked, REALLY worked....


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